In March, plans to begin work on the destruction of Hogweed on the territory of Chernivtsi
the problem of the spread of the Hogweed on the territory of Chernivtsi every year is becoming increasingly important. With the onset of spring this dangerous perennial plant grows over an area of about 80 hectares. In previous years, measures were taken of its distribution with the assistance of scientists. For liquidation of threat of species of plants Hogweed Sosnowski of the city Fund for environmental protection environment the city Council for 2015, 2016 the Department of housing and communal services allocated funds. The main places of development of Sosnowski's Hogweed is neopolyol grounds, banks of streams, rivers, canals, roadsides, degraded meadows, pastures and the like. When human contact with the plant causes burns that are hard to heal. Especially dangerous are the lesions in the joints that are constantly in motion. The toxic weed has it all: the stems, leaves and roots. Even the slightest contact with the plant under the action of the sun can cause burns. In the flowering period (June-September) Hogweed is especially dangerous because the toxic substances released into the air, and even without contact with the plant are a health hazard. Threatening severe burns upon contact of the plant with wet body in hot Sunny days. The Department of housing and communal services of the city Council together with the Ukrainian research station of plant quarantine PSI one of the first in Ukraine has developed and implemented a monitoring system and the fight against Hogweed Sosnowski. Scientists Ukrndnc PSI conducted a survey m. Chernivtsi to identify Hogweed Sosnowski and developed an effective system of weed control. So, until 2015, according to the State phytosanitary service in Chernivtsi region and its area was 8.5 ha. The actual survey of the city of Chernivtsi has shown that the Sosnowski's Hogweed is much larger and covers the area of 83.1 ha. In particular, in Sadgorskiy area was discovered pockets of weed on the area of 82 hectares in the Shevchenko district on the area of more than 0.5 hectares on the territory of may day area of about 0.1 ha. Based on the monitoring areas the city of Chernivtsi with the identification of Hogweed Sosnowski was conducted work on the formation of the distribution maps of and schemes on the results of the fight against weed. The result is the creation of a map of the city of Chernivtsi with existing and destroyed by cells of Sosnowski's Hogweed, which can be found on the website of Ukrndnc PSI . In addition, conducted comprehensive work, which included: 1. The mechanical restrictions of the development of Sosnowski's Hogweed on identified areas of Chernivtsi. 2. Carrying out chemical controls, development of Sosnowski's Hogweed on identified areas of Chernivtsi. 3. Monitoring of territories after the application of chemical protection measures Hogweed Sosnowski. 4. A repeated mechanical and chemical control measures for the development of Sosnowski's Hogweed in identified territories of the city of Chernovtsy. As a result of working in 2015-2016 in terms of the regular surveys, it can be argued that the previously identified lesions on vul. The Danube 48, vul. Khotyn (shopping center Karavan) and vul. Krasina, as a result of the works were destroyed. In the pockets, discovered in the streets. Alecsandri (vacant lot near Vyskov part), and Carburizing (School ¹ 34), the decrease in plant density per unit area and reducing the area of the settlement of Sosnovsky cow parsnip. During routine operations in 2017 we can talk about their complete destruction. It should also be noted that the implemented activities, it stops the growth of pockets of storm on the largest plots in Sadgirsky area, such as a territory vul. Verkhovyna and Chestnut, as well as vul. Lukyanovich. To reduce cases of destruction of people Hogweed Sosnowski necessary systematic gradual destruction of plants within a few years, providing the destruction of rhizomes and seeds which germinate. Given this planned in March 2017 to start working with the application of chemicals to provide a more efficient and cost-effective system of combating Hogweed Sosnowski. This was reported in the Chernivtsi city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":