Yuri Yurik took part in the presentation of the map of Ukraine,which was embroidered treasurers across the country
, Ternopil national economic University hosted a presentation card "Embroidered my Ukraine", created by employees of territorial offices of the state Treasury service of Ukraine. Embroidered map of Ukraine symbolizes the link between generations, the unity of Ukrainians, their invincible desire to see Ukraine become a prosperous, unified, Catholic nation. Founded this creative project in August 2016 on the occasion of the 25 th anniversary of independence of Ukraine. The magic of creating the map involved all areas of our state. Each region of the embroiders in location ornament, transfers from city to city treasure, Treasury created a family. Ternopil region is on the map Borshevsky embroidery. In every stitch, in every cross there is inserted warmth and talent. "For me, this action is unity. The position of the Treasury should be an example for all other public services. Such actions show the strength of our people. We will win when we will be like the map "Embroidered my country" one and indivisible", - said Deputy Chairman of the Ternopil regional state administration Yurii Yurik "The idea of this card originated from a graduate of our University Tatiana slyuzov Jaroslavovna. She promised : "We will make a map of Ukraine by hands of the treasurers." I am proud that the promise was fulfilled, because through this project connects the entire state. Embroidered Ukraine – only for all of us," - said the rector of TSTU, Professor Andrew Kresowaty. The chief of the state Treasury service of Ukraine in Ternopil region Petro Hrynchyshyn said that the Ukrainian people cherish rice symbolism. Thanks to her, since ancient times, we are committed to the unity and indivisibility. Embroidery is the soul of our nation, the desire for a peaceful future. Now the Treasury has its own family charm – map "Embroidered my Ukraine", which will be kept in the Museum of the State Treasury service of Ukraine, in Kiev. This was reported in the Ternopil regional state administrationÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê": translate.yandex.ru.
Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/