On usename the forum recommended that future image Chernivtsi
useni Public forum “Integrated development of Chernivtsi” held in the atmospheric Xabi PAPOROt`. Experts are however, concerned citizens discussed the potential development of the city in different spheres, focusing on the future of Chernivtsi. Welcome speech at the forum said Chernivtsi mayor Alex Kaspruk: "Nice that we meet again in Chernivtsi. How to formulate a vision of the city is a deep concept, short and detailed idea of the desired image of the future city? Try to understand what the Chernivtsi can and should become in the future? And most importantly – what should society do? Principles of formation of vision is a realism analysis, the clarity, the separability of the potential followers, timeliness, and faith. Here we rely on the Strategic plan of Chernivtsi development, Strategy, competitiveness, Strategic development plan of Chernivtsi. When forming a vision for 2030 CRM it is important to find out which areas of the city provide fingerprints and features of Chernivtsi, which is the most important competences and skills owned by the city population, the spatial potentials for economic and spatial development, regional, national and international relations and cooperation has played an important role for Chernivtsi, what are the problems of the city and its development for the population is especially important." The forum participants were divided into working groups, which analysed the cultural environment, the city's economy, mobility and transport, utilities, infrastructure, environment, health, tourism. Another forum held in the framework of the project "Integrated development of cities in Ukraine", implemented by the Ministry of regional development, construction and housing and communal services of Ukraine jointly with the German government GIZ. The project "Integrated development of cities of Ukraine" aimed at training of Ukrainian cities to use an integrated approach to urban development in accordance with European principles and values set out in Leiptsyzka Charter on sustainable European cities. The integrated development concept of the city to help mastoplasty in decision-making for effective planning and use of budgetary funds, have communal and private projects is clear for the residents, promote the dialogue between official institutions and civil society. To develop the concept of integrated development of Chernivtsi widely involved the public, and this ensures its successful implementation. This was reported in the Chernivtsi city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê": translate.yandex.ru.
Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/