Lutsk branch of PJSC “volynyoblenergo” reports on the power outages on Monday,3 April

Monday, April 3, will be de-energized following streets: 09.00-12.00 - str. Small, 55-79, vul. Birch, vul. Suburban, vul. However, vul. Mail, vul. Light, vul. Happy, vul. Country, vul. The Bogolyubovo (partially), vul. Balakirev, vul. Mlinska vul. Braska, vul. Center, vul. Prilutsky, vul. East, vul. East Boundary, vul. Groin, vul. Friendly, vul. New building, vul. Sun, vul. Myrnogo str. Scriabin, vul. Borodin, str. Levitsky, Prov. And, SECOND Zebrasky; 09.00-12.00 - str. Castle, 5-35, 2-8, vul. Cathedral, 16, vul. Plitnitsa. We are sorry for the inconvenience. The Department of “Center of administrative services in Lutsk” This was reported in Lutsk city Council

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