The message on carrying out of public hearings on discussion of the draft detailed plan of the territory to the reconstruction of part of the territory of gardening partnerships "Friendship" under individual housing construction on the street Bukszowana O
5 June 2017 15 hours in conference room (room 105) of Chernivtsi city Council address: Central square 1, public hearings on discussion of the draft detailed plan of the territory of gardening companies "Druzhba" on the reconstruction of the territory for individual housing construction on Bukszowana St. Joseph (formerly Alexander Parkhomenko) in the city of Chernivtsi. The project detailed plan was designed by architect Nesterov Anatoliy Mitrofanovich (qualification certificate series AA No. 002883, tel 0506759001) to order horticultural society "Friendship" (Chairman of the management Board Krylov A. Y. telephone 0951455197) on the basis of the decision of the city Council of the VI convocation from 03.08.2015 year ¹1686 "On considering appeals horticultural society "Friendship" on granting permission to make the planning documentation for the reconstruction of areas under individual housing construction, and modification of the List of horticultural associations, which are subject to reconstruction for individual residential development in accordance with the General plan of the city of Chernivtsi." With textual and graphic parts of this project can be found in managing urban planning and architecture Department of urban complex and land relations of Chernivtsi city Council address: ul.Khmelnytsky, 64-a, office 303 (tel 55-58-83) on Monday and Thursday from 15 to 18 hours up to 5 June 2017 from the date of the first publication of this message. Comments and suggestions to the draft submitted by the office of planning and architecture, Department of urban complex and land relations of Chernivtsi city Council until June 5, 2017 from the date of the first publication of this message. Responsible for organizing review of proposals-Deputy Director, head of Department of urban development and architecture Department urban complex and land relations city Council, chief architect of the city – Khilko Natalia. * Information on the projected legal, economic and environmental implications of the project developed a detailed plan of the territory to the reconstruction of part of the territory of gardening partnerships "Friendship" under individual housing construction on the street Bukszowana Osip (A. Parkhomenko) in Chernivtsi * A detailed plan of reconstruction This was reported in the Chernivtsi city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":