In Vinnytsia region Prosecutor's office demands to return to the state 12 hectares of land worth nearly 3 million hryvnias
Mohyliv-Podilskyi local Prosecutor in the Economic court of Vinnitsa region directed the statement of claim in interests of the state in the face of Vinnytsia regional state administration to Private joint stock company «the Mogilev-Podolsky Kar’er” for the return of two land plots with a total area of almost 12 hectares, located on the territory Nemeckogo village Council of the Mogilev-Podolsky district, outside the settlement with a total value of more than 3 million hryvnia. It is established that on the instructions of the Chairman of Mogilev-Podolsky WGA, between the district administration and JSC «the Mogilev-Podolsky Kar’EP" signed a lease agreement for land plots with a total area of almost 12 hectares. The decision of economic court dated 10.09.2014 claim Mogilev-Podolsk on the Prosecutor is satisfied the lease land from 14.05.2009 terminated in connection’connection with the non-payment of rent private joint stock company. The land transferred to the Respondent under Act of transfer and acceptance of the land plot, but until that time, as the Mogilev-Podolsky WGA and the Vinnytsia regional state administration was not returned. Pred'presenting a claim, the Prosecutor's aim is the return of the Vinnytsia regional state administration in the use of land plots with a total area of almost 12 hectares, which is located in Nemeckogo village Council outside the settlement, since the finding of said land from the defendant violates the economic interests of the state, in particular, prevents the lease of the part to other physical or legal persons, which in turn reduces the flow of funds in the budget, creates the preconditions for the failure of socio-economic activities in the region (the payment of wages to workers of budgetary sphere, financing of budgetary programs), and therefore requires the adoption of response measures. The press service of the prosecution Vinnytsia regionÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":