Chernigov: Vladislav Atroshenko: "We have to reach German precision traffic"

On the implementation by carriers of obligations specified in agreements with the city, was discussed at the expanded meeting in the city of Chernihiv city Council. In particular, the installation of GPS on public transport. According to the head of the Department of transport and communications of the city Council Yury Gorban, only 428 you plan to install GPS on public transport trackers installed 249, 46 of them in the trolley. All in HONOR of 95 units of trolleybuses, of which in working condition – 74 cars, others are still planned or current repairs. The representative of KP "HONOR" reported that by the end of the week the GPS will be installed in all 74 buses, which go in line. In addition, the mayor recommended to strengthen the control that the routes of the trolleybuses came out clean, washed inside and out, and the drivers were dressed in the standard due to clothing. And, most importantly, to comply with the timetable. On bus routes the city has more than 330 engines, which are also not yet fully equipped with GPS trackers. Is the mayor noted that the contract movepoint be performed, and for their failure to break contracts and cancel the route. - If something does not suit carriers, some requirements are too high, or something is wrong in business, you will call other carriers who will arrange everything, - the mayor told. Also, he emphasized that the demands and the attitude of all the carriers must be equal. Vladislav Atroshenko: - We set the GPS for the report, "tick", and to ensure that the executed schedule. Also, you need to resolve all the issues of passenger transportation in the city, in particular: removal of routes in the evening, a shortage of cars on line and other drawbacks of traffic considering the complaints of citizens. Specialized Deputy mayor instructed to establish control of the timetable of public transport with the help of GPS monitoring with automatic fixing of violations. - We have to reach German precision transportation. Graphics must be run constantly. Can be things like equipment breakdown. But not anymore. If the carrier is unable to cope, not the schedule of transportation, for non – withdrawal from the route, - the mayor told. The press service of the Chernihiv city Council

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