Chernivtsi businessmen reimbursed more than 70 million VAT
during the first half of this year the payers of value added tax, which are registered in Chernivtsi LIGHTS, reimbursed 70,3 mln. VAT, which is 43.2 million UAH. or 2.6 times more than last year. In June Chernivtsi economic entities the state reimbursed UAH 12.7 million. VAT. Please note that from 1 April – a new procedure of VAT refund. A new procedure approved by the CMU resolution from 25.01.2017, No. 26, provides: • formation and maintenance of the register of statements about the return of the amount of budgetary compensation on the basis of the database of DFS and Treasury; • setting clear data that pertain to this registry; • automatic making of applications to the registry, which is carried out during the operational day in chronological order of their receipt; • publication of the register on the official website of the Ministry of Finance. How interacts the Ministry of Finance, DFS and the state Treasury in the process of formation of the register of statements about the return of the amounts of VAT budget refund – written in Fine, subterranea by the Ministry of Finance from 03.03.2017, No. 326. This was reported in the Chernivtsi city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":