In the Zhytomyr region of conditions of granting of financial support to public Association of veterans,invalids

for the effective decision of questions on creation of favorable environment for people with disabilities, veterans of war and labour, pensioners and vulnerable sectors of the population, their right to participate in the economic, political, social and other spheres of public life, the Regional complex Program of social protection of invalids, veterans of war and labour, pensioners and vulnerable sectors of the population Zhytomyr region for 2013-the program of social protection of persons with disabilities 2013-2017. The program provides financial support to public organizations of veterans, nvalt citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster. The Program and changes to it can be found here. Before applying on the provision of financial patrikhanesi organizations of persons with disabilities, veterans and citizens who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, added: * a copy of the Charter (Statute) of a public organization, notarized. * copy of certificate of registration of a public organization, notarized. * copies of tax records of public organizations over the past two years; * a copy of the report on the activities of the public organization according to the forms of state statistical reporting; * copies of reports on the use of budgetary funds for the previous two years (if they receive public organization); * certificate of absence of overdue debt on credits granted by banks; * information on the availability of logistical support of the NGO (if available) and information about the room (if any) that is used for community organization (the lessee of the premises, legal and actual address, the number of square meters of space that is used); * calendar plan of activities of the public organization; * calculations and justification of the directions of use of budgetary funds in the incision areas, which are specified next. Budgetary funds are directed on: * implementation of measures for the implementation of tasks defined by the Charter (provision) of a public organization in accordance with the calendar plan of activities of public organizations and detailed calculations and justifications for each direction of target use of budgetary funds, presented a public organization in the Department of information activities and communications with the public administration; * payment for activities implemented by public organization under the Charter (position), a schedule of activities, detailed calculations for each activity, signed contracts, according to the decision of the Commission on consideration of appeals of public organizations of invalids, veterans and citizens who suffered owing to Chernobyl catastrophe; * payment of municipal services, postal services and telecommunication services, maintenance of inventory and equipment; * payment of stationery and other types of goods, works and services. Thus, the financial incentives for members of public organizations, travel in the use of funds is not provided. These documents (except for copies of the Charter (Statute) of a public organization and the certificate of its registration) shall be certified by signature, sealed with the seal of the public organization. The treatment of the above documents submitted to public organizations of persons with disabilities, veterans and citizens who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, management information activities and communications with the public administration to further introduce them to the Commission on consideration of references of public organisations of invalids, veterans and citizens who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, which considers them within one month from the date of receipt. This was reported in the Zhytomyr regional state administration

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