In the Zhytomyr region, rescuers remind residents of private houses,how to save their homes from fire

During the winter period increases the number of fires in private residential sector. The reasons for such fires, as a rule, are a violation of fire safety rules at operation of heating furnaces, electric heaters, short circuits, mains, and careless handling of citizens with fire. In order to protect citizens from reckless behavior that may turn into a tragedy, rescuers Management SSES in the area continue to rose’explanatory work among the population about the necessity of strict observance of fire safety rules in everyday life. So, 27 January the employees of the Romanovsky district of the sector Management state emergency service in Zhytomyr region, together with representatives of authorities and social workers held a preventive conversation with the villagers Kozara and Malaya Olshanka. During the event, rescuers told the peasants statistics of the main extreme events that occurred on the territory of the Romanovsky district in the past year, their causes and consequences. In mandatory’mandatory citizens was nagabali the rules of fire safety in the home. After all, many fires are caused by human negligence, carelessness and disregard for the rules of fire safety. Reinforced by attention and care the participants were asked to encircle children, due to the fault and with which often there are fires, especially during the holidays. Parents were advised not only to hide away matches, lighters and other dangerous objects and better detail of the roses’anuvadi, what can result from playing with fire and how to prevent troubles. Also the people were given thematic pam’leaflets and flyers containing all the necessary rules and guidelines, compliance with which will allow to avoid troubles. Rescuers of Zhytomyr appeal to the population with a reminder: observe the basic rules of fire safety. Constantly check the condition of the heating stoves and chimneys and promptly repair them. Watch the serviceability of electric networks. Be careful when Smoking and using open fire in attics, basements, barns and other outbuildings. In DSNs in Zhytomyr region

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