Chernigov: the Cognitive quest "the World – to be!"

May 11 in Central Park of culture and recreation hosted a cognitive quest, devoted to Day of memory and reconciliation for the members of the clubs at the place of residence. The organizers pursued the aim – to give children the opportunity to try your hand at the stations, in common with a soldier's life during wartime. Despite the rain, 9 young and active teams began their Patriotic quest in time. The children were offered different routes from time to time crossed. The ladies team competed in agility at the stations: "Dress", "Hospital", "Point of contact" and other Guys have traditionally competed in endurance and ingenuity at stations: "Sniper", "the Collection of military tents", "Bogatyr", etc. The winners of these competitions are determined and awarded by diplomas and medals. Those who stopped for a step to the first place, also did not remain without surprises. All participants received invitations to the theme from the Directorate of the Central Park of culture and rest and diplomas for active participation in the event. "We loved it! A very interesting station and nice gifts!" commented quest winners - team "Tag." Quest was held with the support of loyal partners and friends of the Centre for work with children – Training and methodological Center of civil protection and life safety, Chernihiv city center physical health and Management of family Affairs, youth and sports. According to KZ, Sz, "Center for work with children and youth by place of residence, Chernihiv city Council

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