In Vinnytsia region the Agreement was signed between the regional Committee of trade Union of education and science and the Department of education and science of regional state administration (photo)

March 30, in the auditorium of the Federation of trade unions in Vinnytsia region took place the sixth plenary session of the Committee of the Vinnytsia regional organization of trade Union of workers of education and science, where they discussed the pressing educational issues and the signed Agreement between the regional Committee of trade Union of workers of education and science and the Department of education and science of the regional state administration for 2017-2020. On the agenda was rendered on two questions: 1. On the status of implementation of the Agreement between the regional Committee of trade Union of workers of education and science and the Department of education and science of the regional state administration for 2016-2017 and the signing of a new Agreement for the years 2017-2020. 2. On the implementation of the legislatively defined Labor code of Ukraine of powers of the elected trade-Union bodies and guarantees of their activities in Gaysinsky regional organization of the Union. On the first issue reported the head of the regional organization of trade Union Sergey Pugachev and Deputy Chairman – Director of the Department of education and science of regional state administration Igor ivasjuk. According to Igor Ivasyuk relevant for educators are the issues of reforming General secondary education: "the Government in December 2016 approved the "Concept of implementation of state policy in the sphere of reforming of the General secondary education "New Ukrainian school" for the period up to 2029", which defines the main stages and the main events of this process. The first major step in this direction should be the adoption of a new Law "On education", which has already passed its first reading in the Verkhovna Rada. After final approval we will work together to implement its provisions and requirements." Also Igor Ivasyuk said: "in the current academic year we will have several innovations. This is, firstly, the combination of the STA for testing of the three subjects and holding them within the school year. This means that the responsibility for transportation to the testing rests with the education authorities. At the substantive session of the ADP/UPE in the register 9354 person. This Saturday, April 1, and next, the eighth, will take practice mcqs, which registered nearly 7 thousand people (6973). In the period 15-23 may 2017 Vinnytsia regional center for educational quality assessment will be a pilot project PISA 2018, as a pilot test before the main in 2018. It is also planned to carry out monitoring of pupils 4 classes with mathematics and Ukrainian language and of pupils 11-x classes in a foreign language. The selection of participants will be held by the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine". One of the main issues that concern the majority of teachers – the question of payment of wages and the distribution of educational subvention. In the speech Igor Ivasyuk said: "According to article 1032 of the Budget code of Ukraine the educational subsidy is allocated among the respective budgets based on a formula, which, unfortunately, only formally take into account such criteria as the number of students of secondary schools and students in institutions, class size correction coefficients applied to the number of students in different types of secondary schools and pupils who receive complete General secondary education in vocational educational institutions, and depending on the area in which the school is located. Educational subsidy from the state budget to local budgets shall be submitted exclusively to the payment of wages accrued to the teaching staff of secondary schools. Thus, delineates the responsibilities state and local budgets in financing of secondary schools". From the Vinnytsia regional organization of trade Union of workers of education and science was made by its Chairman Sergei Pugachev: "the Union takes an active part in the legislative process, reviewing and approval of regulatory legal acts, concerning the rights and interests of workers, and also individuals who learn. A significant part of the proposals of the trade Union taken into account in their approval and adoption. Thanks to the negotiation process, from January 1 this year on the basis of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 974 has been increasing by 2 pay grades salaries and wages of all teaching staff of educational institutions and educational institutions, which are financed from the educational subsidy. However, this decision does not take into account the increase in the wages of teachers, Tutors, musical heads of preschool educational institutions, coaches, administrative staff youth, the leaders of the groups, methodologists and other employees of schools and educational institutions financed from local budgets. To prevent social tension among workers of preschool, out of school and other educational institutions, educational institutions on behalf of the Presidium of the Committee of the regional organization of the Union was sent an appeal to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on amendments to the decree ¹974 of the implementation and raise salaries for these categories of workers March". The meeting also discussed the issue of implementation established by the law the Labor code of Ukraine of powers of the elected trade-Union bodies and guarantees of their activities in Gaysinsky regional organization of the Union. More about this said the Chairman of Gaysinsky regional organization of trade Union of workers of education and science Valentina Orchowski and head of the Department of education, physical culture and sports Gizienski regional state administration Valentyna Shramko. This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administration.

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