What is the secondary tillage?

After the autumn digging the soil freezes in winter, thawed in spring, much oblasts and compressed. Then the surface is dried, it formed a crust and cracks, and there are lots sprouted weeds. The goal of spring tillage - harrowing, cultivation or ploughing (plowing fall plowing) - removal of cover, suppressing weeds, and soil aeration. It should be borne in mind that the spring plowing in any case can not replace in the fall.

the readiness of the soil to treatment defined as follows: take in the hand a lump of earth from a depth of 8-12 cm, compress it, and let fall from a height of 1.3-1.5 m. If K replusive, moisture leaked, the soil is excessively wet; if someone in the fall is evenly crumbled and the soil is ready and it is time to proceed without delay with the processing; if not pressed in the hand or easily crumbled - soil is dry and needs watering.

After rain or watering the soil surface before processing should be slightly dry. Learn more about seedbed preparation can be read .


the Main stages of seedbed preparation:

  • the harrowing;
  • uh-1 in the spring and rich harvest in the fall;
  • watering;
  • cultivation;
  • re-cultivation;
  • a light seedbed harrowing.

And now everything in order.


the Harrowing

traditionally, seedbed preparation start early in the weeding - superficial (surface) soil loosening, which perform a toothed cultivator or hoe (for large parts of the special tool - harrow) in March-April, immediately after the thawing of the soil and drying of the surface layer. The purpose of harrowing - the elimination of peel, conservation of soil moisture and suppression of weeds sprouted. Harrowing to retain soil moisture especially needed on light soils and in mountainous areas. On light soils under early crops cold-resistant crops harrowing is replaced by cultivation.


uh-1 in the spring and rich harvest in the autumn!

Spring, with increasing daytime temperature: + 10...+12 0 C, the soil awakens, and with it awaken soil microorganisms that, in turn, prepare the nutrients for your seedlings. The efficiency and speed of this “awakening” depends on how you work in autumn and laid or not desired micro-organisms nutrients.

While growing up on the windowsill the seedlings need “revitalize” the ground on their own garden. Over the winter it froze solid and as a result, killing the majority of microorganisms.

to restore the level you need to water the soil with a solution of the drug «Baikal EM-1». This allows to prove  a balance of microorganisms to potrebno the norm much earlier, and they quickly begin to decompose soil organic matter, accumulating plants need food.

Watering should be performed when the soil warms up to 10 0C. Usually at this time begin to grow leaves on the shore. Directly between the planting and watering should take 10 days. This is a convenient time to clear the land from weeds, do not let them grow.

“Baykal-EM-1” accelerates the germination of weeds, and trimming their Em-cultivator allows lactic acid bacteria on the surface of the cut weeds, turn them into humus.



in the Spring before final processing of the soil intended for planting, conduct watering to moisten the soil to its full depth, with a rate of 50-200 l /g 2. This is especially important for greenhouses, which does not penetrate precipitation.



Cultivation (from the Latin cultivo - “process”) is called a loosening of the treated soil at a deeper depth (but not more than 12-15 cm) without turning the loosened layer (in this case, will not be turned to the surface weed seeds and pathogens diseases, laid in autumn), with simultaneous cutting of weeds. The cultivation is carried out immediately before sowing, or no later than 1-2 days before sowing. Harrowing and cultivation are creating on the surface of the loose soil layer that prevents lifting of capillary moisture to the surface of the earth and its evaporation. The cultivation is usually carried out with the prior to spreading the fertilizer.

On heavy clay soils is cultivation is best done plowing fall plowing to the full depth.

plots the cultivation performed with a pitchfork or hoe-cat (big gear hoe) in two mutually perpendicular directions, if necessary, laying in the soil fertilizers and at the same time aligning its surface. Clods and lumps break (it is useful to divide the back of a rake). Soil, especially clay, do not be too crushed to prevent to some extent the formation of crusts; in preparation for planting the soil is milled more than seedlings.

Then the ground, if it is not moistened, rolled down (compacted without effort) to break the remaining lumps and to eliminate voids. Clay soils are not compacted or doing it very poorly. After that the soil surface is leveled with a rake. Then immediately, until the ground has dried up, start planting.

Thawing of peat soils in the spring delayed. Treatment of such soils begins after thawing them at a depth of 15-20 cm.



If fall plowing is not performed, it is performed instead of the cultivation in the spring. The cultivation is carried out not only in spring but also in summer, before sowing other crops.

5-6 days prior to planting (2-3 weeks after first cultivation) the soil is again loosened, with simultaneous application of basic fertilizer and packing (for a breakdown of lumps).


a light Seedbed harrowing

This light tillage is recommended immediately before sowing. The gap between tillage and planting in about 2-3 hours in Sunny and windy weather leads to the loss of more than 15-20 liters of water from 1 m2 of soil.


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Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/