Teaching in schools of Chernivtsi restored from the 8th of February

the Educational process in General and extracurricular educational establishments of Chernivtsi restored from the 8th of February. This decision was taken at a meeting of the city of the permanent commissions on industrial environmental safety and emergency situations.Chernivtsi given the reduction in the last week incidence of SARS and influenza by 21.2%. Also will resume the educational process in the schools of aesthetic education, sports organizations, clubs, creative associations and the like. In educational institutions strengthened anti-epidemic, disinfection measures. Before and after school, as well as large changes charged to wet cleaning and airing in the classroom to apply kvartsevanie. There will also be a medical surveillance of schoolchildren and preschoolers. Children with symptoms of illness will not be allowed to practice. In addition, in Chernivtsi recommended to strengthen control over the observance of anti-epidemic measures, in first mask mode to public transport, institutions of trade and consumer services. In particular, the mobile groups will monitor compliance with mask mode and perform disinfection measures (wet cleaning and wiping of handrails at final stops) in public transport. Will continue daily monitoring of the incidence of acute respiratory viral diseases, enhanced anti-epidemic, sanitary-hygienic, disinfection modes of ventilation and air disinfection in rooms of all medical institutions of the city. As of February 5, 970 persons whose activity is associated with an increased risk of infection, a preventive flu shot. For the needs of medical institutions of the city purchased five oxygen concentrators and pulse oximeters nine allocated funds for the purchase of two ventilators for city hospitals №1 and №3. This was reported in the Chernivtsi city Council

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Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/