Energy saving project of the Vinnytsia student will Fund British Council

the British Council in Ukraine will Finance the project, created by a student of Vinnytsia National technical University. In the framework of the "Active citizens" student of faculty of information technology and computer engineering, University Victor Gabrielsen created the project "energy Efficient vector of change". The project aims to strengthen the participation of citizens in the process of energy conservation through introduction of energy efficient technologies. Victor has Created a device that converts solar energy into heat for heating water and space. Being the size of two square meters, the device 200 liter barrel heats up to 70 degrees on a Sunny day. While the warm water tank can hold for 2-3 days. The device is installed on the roof or on the facade of the building. The invention subsequently implement in the stores. The price of the finished device is about 5 thousand hryvnias. The student also plans to teach to create a device personally everyone vinnichan. The first energy-efficient device will be installed in low-income or large family free of charge. This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administration

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