Chernivtsi: new e-petition received the requisite number of votes

E-petition regarding to get a loan for updating of trolleybus Park REVERE scored 272 votes. In accordance with clause 1.2 of section III "Provisions on e-petitions in the city of Chernivtsi" the appeal will be registered and dealt with in the manner provided for the consideration of citizens of the Executive body of city Council and immediately passed on to the relevant body or official. According to paragraph 2.1 of section III "Provisions on e-petitions in the city of Chernivtsi," the e-petition will be reviewed within 10 working days from the date of promulgation. 3.1. section III "Provisions on e-petitions in the city of Chernivtsi," the e-petition after its registration is considered by the body or official, which she enjoyed. For consideration is invited to the initiator, which granted the right to present your e-petition. The proponent may delegate the right to present your e-petition to the representative. This was reported in the Chernivtsi city Council

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