Chernigov showed an example of unity with other regions and cities of Ukraine

Yesterday at its extraordinary meeting, having taken an appeal to the country's leadership in the development of the events around the blockade ORDO, Chernihiv city Rada has demonstrated an example of compromise and unity, - the Deputy of the mayor Alexander Lomako. March 15, Chernihiv mayor convened a special meeting of the city Council that our city would not repeat the mistakes of the previous government at all levels, when she in 2013-14 had not opposed themselves to the people. In Chernihiv local government had enough of democracy and determined to hear public opinion and to assume a coordinating role in the adoption of a truly joint decision. It is this: honest and statist at the same time appeal to the leadership of the country and there is little to be gained if it is supported by the vast majority in the community of Chernigov. During the meeting, city Council was able to speak to representatives of all parliamentary factions, political forces and social groups who had input to this. The proposals were voted on. Vladislav Atroshenko urged deputies to responsibility and the realization that all their actions must be good for the country: - If we work together, we are United, we will defeat any enemy. But we sprayed inside the country - that will play and the external and internal enemy of good, - he said. I'm like the mayor trying to ensure full visibility and accessibility, the people have no obstacles to enter the session hall and Express their opinion. Yesterday the question arose that it is necessary to Express the position relative to situacao trade blockade of the occupied territories. I believe that as mayor I have taken a balanced state position. Namely, we must Express its position regarding the inadmissibility of the development of military scenarios in any case. This is extremely important. We called the session and I invited you to this hall, was invited to a conciliation Board. I want to continue to all the issues that are of public importance, both for Ukraine and Chernigov, we considered together, find consensus and hear each other. I want you to hear me as a man who has many years of experience in government, and want our solution was the state. As a man I do not accept a situation where we are in that territory with which the bullets are flying and shells, send the goods. It is perceived very hard. At the same time we need to give ourselves capable or not capable, we alone, without the world community to expel the aggressor and to confront him. If you are able, it is possible to build a wall,blocking everything. And these things we believe malefactions questionable in some things, but the Minsk process, which is perceived by the world community as the only format in which Europe extends economic sanctions against Russia. And it is extremely important to us and it is also necessary to take into account. I said this at the conciliatory Council today: at the state runwal make public the decision about blocking or not blocking, azaprocin information to the Ministry of economy. Which groups of commodities imported and exported, how much, in what company, the balance of these relationships that there taxes are paid or not paid. I would like to have information how many lives Pro-Ukrainian citizens. If there is one situation, if there is something different. How much and what the flow of contraband goods, where they go, how much, who do they provide? It is very important that everyone in this room expressed his opinion, and that we did it quietly. We show an example to other areas METAM Ukraine. Chernigov is able to unite the society, to hear each other, accept totally balanced normal solution that does not shy away from questions not to take the ostrich position according to the situation and time. It is extremely important to me that almost all vistupayut the importance of the issue that still have state institutions. We can have an opinion, good or bad President, right or wrong it works, but we must accept legitimate authority, if we are responsible to our children and grandchildren. However, we need to Express the inadmissibility of a military scenario against the blockade of the occupied territories - said the mayor. */blockquote The deputies of Chernihiv city Council after discussion of the draft conversion took the final absolute majority of votes. To open and download the solution The press service of the Chernihiv city Council Previous information on this subject: The deputies of Chernihiv city Council appeal to the leadership of the country on the situation with the blockade ORDO.

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