In Volyn region rescuers trained to put out fires on objects with mass stay of people

on April 29 employees of the State fire and rescue unit No. 1 of the city of Lutsk held special tactical exercises on liquidation of fires on about’objects with mass stay of people in the educational building of the Technical College of Lutsk national University. On a legend of doctrines, the fire originated on the first floor in the auditorium of the institution. The fire covered a significant area of the hall and the second floor of the building, where they were students, smoggy. The administration called the rescue Service " 101», organized an immediate evacuation from the premises of the College, and representatives of the volunteer fire brigade tried independently to stop the fire primary means of fire suppression. After a few minutes after a distress message on a scene there arrived guard on duty DPRCH-1 in luck. After investigation, the workers of gschs paved the hose line and the structure of a link of gas and smoke protective service quickly extinguished the fire. During the exercise the rescuers studied the tactical characteristics of the building, especially internal and external water and worked the issues of interaction with the administration about’object, and the relevant services of the city. Summing up the results of the exercise, the chief of the PRNG -1 m. Lutsk Ivan Onipchuk noted that the College belongs to category about’objects with mass stay of people, so you need to constantly work together to reduce the risk of critical situations to a minimum. UDSNS Ukraine in the Volyn region

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