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Features children's weights

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In the life of every person there are moments that are commonly known as a turning point,that is, those which fundamentally alter the way of life, the purpose and methods of achieving them. One such event is clearly the birth of a child, because from the moment of his birth all the actions and thoughts of the parents are his subordinates albeit small, but vital interests. This little body is absolutely defenseless against uelym world and here really manifested parent calling, flair, which is the constant care of the baby and monitoring its development.

The little body is actively developing, naturally individually, but still there are some, generally accepted criteria that help monitorfor standards development and the time to identify and correct deviations. One of these criteria is the weight of the child, to control who in the first year of life must be on a monthly basis. To weigh the baby, you must use a special children's delicate balance, which in modern terms can be purchased for home use.Given the wide range of these products on the market, will not be superfluous to draw the attention of the reader to the main selection criteria of children's weights and their forms. By the way, the online store you can buy high-quality children's balance of world-renowned brand of medical equipment - Gamma.

Types of children's weights

Unlike any other household appliances (scales and in principle can also be attributed to them), baby scales do not have any special classification criteria and are divided into two types, according to the method of determining the mass of the body:

  • Balance mechanical . This is the simplest type of balance, the principle of action kotorogon based on the basic laws of physics and comparison of body weight and balances. This is the most simple and constructively to maintain the balance, more stable, durable, cheap, but it was too cumbersome and, most importantly of all, less accurate (accuracy - up to 10 g);
  • Scales . It is a modern type of weights, a craze so to speak. His work is based on pre-programmed algorithms. This scale is much more compact and lightweight due to the use in the construction of durable plastic instead of metal. As, in fact, an electronic device, this type of balance has a range of features and benefits that are not objectively inherent mechanical modelm:
  1. higher measurement accuracy (error - 1-2 g);
  2. weight stabilization system;
  3. the ability to save the results of weighing and programming, and so on. D.

These scales, meanwhile, needsayutsya to connect to a power source, require annual calibration and are more prone to mechanical damage.

The choice of children's weights

When choosing a home scales for the child to be considered infinitely more than the type of scale to extend their work and count on reliable resultsmeasurements:

  • Build Quality . From this it depends directly on the value of the product and its performance;
  • The shape and size of scales . Depends on how comfortable is your crumbs in them are;
  • The range of work . Fromthis criterion depends on whether you can get the results of the weighing;
  • Power . This criterion affects the duration of the work, energy and mobility scales.


Weight - is one of the anthropometric criteria organism babyWhich can directly indicate the development of certain abnormalities, so correctly selected and quality children's balance - it is almost indispensable thing in every home.

Author: Artlife
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