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Miraculous tincture with bee Podmore

, 09:45
0 2497

We all know about the miraculous and extremely useful for the properties of honey. Daily beefamily work hard to stock up honey, but, unfortunately, even such unrealistic laborors not last forever. In pursuit of nectar the bees are killed every day, which is folded neatly comrades at the bottom of the hive. These heroes of labor and call Podmore. Especially a lot of it happens after hibernation, when carried out planned audit of hives. Before proceeding to stepPreparing raw Podmore need to sift, to separate from various debris and dry. Podmore then triturated until a homogeneous powder, which is the basic raw material for the preparation of infusions. This solution is simply unique complex, which contain almost all the possible components produced by bees na lifetime: honey, pollen, jelly (royal), propolis and bee venom course. Each of them, both individually and in combination provides invaluable positive influence on the human body. The main active ingredients podmorovoy tinctures are chitosan, melanin, the amino acid compounds, peptides. Acting in the complex, they are acti-ziruyut biological processes involved in normalizing cholesterol levels, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, a positive effect on the performance of its functions, the intestines, clean it and reduce the level of absorption of toxins. actively used prophylactically in relation to the gastrointestinal tract as well as in the case assumed toGuy developing diabetes. Part of the chitosan Podmore, perfectly heals wounds and burns, preventing scarring, stops bleeding and soothes.

Author: Artlife
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