Experience of using dietary supplements ART LIFE in surgical practice.

Wagons Postrigan, a surgeon.
Thanks to the diversity and vast range of biologically active additives (BAA) of ART LIFE widely used in our surgical practice. Almost two years experience of close cooperation allows to systematize our knowledge of the use of drugs as a prophylactic and therapeutic purposes in surgical patients.
Preparations by ARTLIFE used in the treatment of diseases in the acute phase, convalescence, alone and in combined therapy. Method of application - Reg os, topically in the form of dressings. More often as a complement to traditional treatments.
The main groups of diseases in which these drugs were used:
1.Degenerativnye and inflammatory joint diseases, the effects of trauma and ligamentous system (arthrosis, arthritis, sprains, bruises, broken bones in a stage of consolidation, osteoporosis).
2.Zabolevaniya cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extremities, varicose veins, postthrombotic disease, trophic ulcers).
3.Infektsii skin and subcutaneous tissue, infected burns, wounds.
4.Disgormonalnye dysplasia of the mammary glands.
5.Sostoyaniya after surgical intervention for cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis (cholecystectomy), gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer (gastric resection).
6.Prochie (bowel disease: a chronic colitis, chronic functional disorders of the passage through the intestines, chest injuries, seasonal immunodeficiency postoperative period).
We offer the following patterns of use of dietary supplements in the treatment of various diseases:

Joint disease, trauma, osteoporosis:
1.1.BAD Joint Flex - 1 tablet 2 times a day during meals, course twice a year for 3-4 months.
1.2.BAD LECITHIN - 1 tbsp. spoon a day with food, a course in 2 months 2-3 times a year.
1.3.BAD Kaltsimaks - 1 capsule 2-3 times a day in the acute phase, 1 capsule 1 time a day continuously for osteoporosis.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis of lower extremities vessels, diseases of veins, posttromboflebichesky syndrome (PTFS)):
2.1.BAD LECITHIN - 1 tbsp. spoon a day with food, a course in a month during the breaks between the traditional treatment.
2.2.BAD ESSENTSIAL OIL - 1 capsule 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals for varicose veins with signs of chronic venous insufficiency, PTFS, trophic ulcers.
2.3.BAD BP Formula - 1 capsule 2 times a day while eating syndrome Reynaud, obliterating arteriosclerosis, a course in 1 month in between the traditional therapy or combined therapy.
2.4.BAD COMPLEX ENZYME PLUS - 1 tablet 3 times a day for the entire period of treatment at PTFS, trophic ulcers, lymphostasis. This drug is applied topically and for the treatment of venous ulcers in the form of powder for the purification of fibrin necrosis. Skin infections, burns and wounds:
3.1.BAD TOKSFAYTER - 2 capsules per day in the complex therapy.
3.2.BAD Green Star - 1 capsule 2 times a day for the entire course of treatment.
3.3.BAD Discovery CHARM OR BAD POWER DISCOVERY - 1 capsule 2 times a day, the rate 1 per month (only 2-3 times per year).
3.4.BAD COMPLEX ENZYME PLUS - 1 tablet 3 times a day orally and topically (as powders).
3.5.BAD tea tree oil - dressings. It is used to clean the wound.

Breast diseases (fibrosing adenosis, mastopathy):
Treatment of breast diseases using phytocomplex necessarily performed after the results of mammography, consulting endocrinologist and gynecologist. Approach to treatment of strictly individual, taking into account comorbidity, using a combination of the following drugs:
4.1.BAD COMPLEX ENZYME PLUS - 1 tablet 3 times daily before meals, course of 1 month, only 3 of the course.
4.2.BAD Discovery CHARM - 1 tablet 2 times per day rate at 1 month, only 3 of the course.
4.3.BAD Green Star - 1 capsule, 2 times a day rate at 1 month, only 1-2 of the course.
4.4.BAD Cat's Claw - 1 capsule 3 times daily after meals, course in 1 month, only 3 of the course.
4.5.BAD SUPER Shield - 1 capsule 1 time per day rate at 1 month, only 2-3 of the course.
4.6.BAD laminarin - 1 tablet 1 time per day rate at 1 month, only 1-2 of the course.
Initially recommended 3-year and 1 month with a break between courses of 1 month, followed by re-examination and ultrasound control.

Diseases of the gall bladder, stomach, liver, postoperative state:
5.1. BAD COMPLEX ENZYME PLUS - 1 tablet 3 times daily before meals, for 1-1,5 months.
5.2.BAD HEPAR Formula - 1 tablet 2 times daily before meals for 1-1,5 months.
5.3.BAD Green Star - 1 capsule 1-2 times daily for 1 month.
5.4.BAD BIFIDOBAK And ATSIDOBAK - 1 capsule 3 times daily before meals, course in 1-1,5 months.
5.5.BAD GASTROKALM - 1 tablet 2 times daily before meals, course in 1 month, in the acute period. For the prevention of exacerbation are recommended courses of 1 month, 2 times a year, in spring and autumn.
5.6.BAD DISCOVERY OR BAD POWER DISCOVERY - 1 tablet 1-2 times a day course for 1 month.

Other conditions:
6.1.Zabolevaniya intestine:
BAD COMPLEX ENZYME PLUS - 1 tablet 3 times daily before meals.
BAA BIFIDOBAK And ATSIDOBAK - reg os in the form of capsules, Reg gestum - as mikroklizm.
BAA laminarin - 1 tablet 1-2 times daily.
BAA Green Star - 1 capsule 1-2 times daily for 1 month.
BAA TOKSFAYTER - 1 capsule 2 times a day.
We have used these medications, observing the sequence of steps. Application of the proposed schemes as possible self-treatment, and as part of a complex of traditional therapy.

6.2.Travmy chest:
BAA PULMOKLINZ - 1 tablet 1-2 times a day for the entire period of treatment.
BAA Kaltsimaks - 1 capsule 1-2 times a day.
6.3.Posleoperatsionny period:
Green Star - 1 capsule, 2 times a day for a period of treatment.
BAA BAA DISCOVERY DISCOVERY OR POWER-1 tablet 1-2 times daily for a period of treatment.
The widest range of indications for use in surgical practice is the drug supplements COMPLEX ENZYME PLUS, which contains a set of proteolytic enzymes (enzymes) that are working on key physiological and pathophysiological processes in the body, have an effective anti-inflammatory, anti, fibrinolytic, thrombolytic, immunomodulatory and secondary analgesic properties.
Fibrinolytic and thrombolytic effect.
Combination enzyme products (enzyme complex PLUS) runs through the activation of plasminogen fibrinolysis, which contributes to change the quality of fibrin and dissolution of microthrombi. Enzymes also have an impact on blood cells, reducing platelet aggregation and improving the elasticity of red blood cells. All these factors lead to a decrease in blood viscosity and improving its rheological properties. According to published data, the enzyme preparations accelerate the dissolution of blood clots and resorption of hematomas.
Antiexsudorific effect
Enzyme preparations are capable of accelerating absorption of existing edema, and for prophylactic use greatly reduce its intensity.
Proteinases cleave extravasal dedicated fibrin and other proteins and peptides that reduce their osmotic effect, and increased oncotic pressure in the affected tissue.
Splitting of blood clots improves microcirculation, which in turn accelerates the removal from the blood stream degradation products. Contained in a preparation routine stabilizes the endothelium of blood vessels and prevent extravasation.
The analgesic effect
The primary analgesic effect is due to the splitting of inflammatory mediators proteases. Secondary same analgesic effect is attributed to reduced oncotic pressure and stress of tissues, reduce swelling, as well as improvement of microcirculation and, consequently, to improve oxygenation.
Anti-inflammatory effect
Enzymes optimize both quantitatively and qualitatively during the inflammatory response. Simplistically we can say that enzymes shorten the catabolic phase of inflammation and accelerate its anabolic (reparative) phase.
During inflammation of all of the above pharmacological effects act synergistically, complementing and reinforcing each other's action. Is accelerated collapse of inflammatory mediators extravasal selected fibrin, improvement of microcirculation in the affected tissue, limiting the acceleration of resorption of exudation, and edema.
Immunomodulatory effect is well known that enzymes affect different components of the immune system at the cellular and molecular level. Proteinase capable of modulating the function of some immune cells (monocytes, granulocytes, T lymphocytes), for example, increase their phagocytic and cytotoxic activity. It is also capable of removal of pathogenic immune complexes, which in high concentrations block the function of phagocytes.
Thus, we can say that enzymes have immunonormalizuyuschee action.
