Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of dietary supplement firms ART LIFE SUPER Shield in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis.
EV PUSHERS, AA VEKOVTSEV, Branch Phthisiopulmonology Military Hospital, Voronezh
Objective: to study the effectiveness of biologically active food additives (BAA), improves immune system function in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.
Materials and methods. Examination and observation for 6 months for patients (soldiers, sergeants), major (20 patients) and control (18 patients) groups were in office at the new-onset pulmonary tuberculosis.
Results of the treatment was evaluated by clinical data, take into account weight, indicators of clinical blood tests, sputum tests for the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the data rentgenotomografii.
Results. Complex treatment of patients with inclusion Supplements SUPERSHILD led to improve the overall condition of the patients, peripheral blood, distinct positive dynamics of the X-ray pictures of the lungs and bronchoscopy, weight gain, rapid onset abacillation.
Conclusion. The data obtained showed the high efficacy and good tolerability Supplements Super Shield in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Used product belongs to the special drugs - biologically active additives, improving immune system function. Super Shield is bracing complex product, which acts on all parts of multiple immunological mechanisms, improves the functioning of liver, neutralizes and removes toxins from the body.
Biologically active additive SUPER Shield is made based on the known in folk medicine plants: Evening primrose, golden root, Echinacea, Pau d'Arco, Chinese magnolia, mushrooms - shiitake, maitake, Reishi - which are used in the East as immunotherapy. By the nature of the immunotherapy above ingredients are non-specific stimulators of the general resistance of the organism.
The indications for their use are sluggish during the infection process, a sharp decline in the nonspecific resistance of the patient - the risk of developing secondary infections, the use of drugs for therapeutic purposes with them-munodepressivnymi properties.
Immunotherapy for tuberculosis process is prescribed in combination with other drugs (antibiotics, anti-TB drugs, corticosteroids). The advantage of immunotherapy derived from plants, is the softness and security of their actions, the possibility of applying in the midst of illness and during convalescence to immune or immunization.
TB infection is considered a classic example of the combination and interaction of the various manifestations of allergy, changing the overall resistance of the organism and the violation of immune responses. In this case, tuberculous process is an interesting model in terms of the pilot study of the mechanisms of these phenomena. The most modern to be considered a sort of immunity, which gave the RV Petrov (1976): "Immunity - a way to protect the body from living bodies and substances, bearing the signs of alien genetic information." The main "goal" of immunity is the recognition of "his and others'» (Burnet, E., 1971) and, thus preserving the integrity of the organism.
All the variety of manifestations of immunity is based on two basic ways the immune response: humoral and cellular; effector cells in these methods, the immune response are different types of lymphocytes: T lymphocytes (thymusdependent) and B-lymphocytes.
As a result of various experiments, it was established the possibility of increasing the body's resistance to tuberculosis through a variety of activities that are specific or nonspecific way to strengthen the cell-mediated immunity (also called immunotherapy).
All previously described experiments allowed us to conclude that cellular immunity is central to the resistance of the human body to tuberculosis and that the cells - effectors of cellular immunity is likely to have a regulative effect on the course of tuberculosis infection, enhancing the phagocytic activity of macrophages (both directly and through synthesized their biological substances).
The purpose of this study was a comprehensive study of clinical efficacy SUPER BAD Shield in patients with newly diagnosed active pulmonary tuberculosis.
Materials and methods
The study was conducted in 38 patients - men (20 major groups and 18 individuals the control group) aged from 18 to 25 years with newly diagnosed active pulmonary tuberculosis. All the patients had not previously suffered from TB and TB treatment had been received. Batsillovydelenie (confirmed by culture) was observed in 14 patients (8 - basic and 6 - control).
Diagnosis is based on clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies.
All patients received five anti-TB drugs (streptomycin, isoniazid, kanamycin, rifampin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide, every other day), symptomatic agents.
The control group (20 patients) than the primary treatment received a biologically active additive Super Shield, which was administered 1 capsule 2 times daily with meals. The course of treatment with ART BAD LIFE SUPERSHILD was 30-60 days.
Results of treatment was assessed by changes in clinical laboratory and instrumental parameters, namely: the dynamics of intoxication symptoms, state of appetite, cough severity, the number and nature of sputum, auscultation and radiologic pattern in the lung, bronchoscopy data, changes in the pattern of the main indicators of blood tolerability of antibacterial drugs .
Respiratory function (ERF) was evaluated on the unit spirograph FPVM (Hungary) on admission, and every 30 days until the end of treatment.
Sputum examined repeatedly by all methods, including three times by culture on the flora, the sensitivity to antibiotics, BC.
Bronchoscopy done at admission and 30 days after initiation of treatment, the study followed by a fence wash water from the bronchi in BC.
X-ray examinations and lung imaging performed at admission and after 30 days of treatment.
At admission, then once per ten days, was made an analysis and studied rates of peripheral blood were evaluated hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes and leukocyte counts, erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
Particular attention was given to indicators of the number of lymphocytes (relative and absolute).
Results of the research record in a specially designed individual maps of chemotherapy.
We found that SUPERSHILD is an effective drug that can be successfully used as a nonspecific immunotherapy in the pathogenetic therapy of active tuberculosis, combined with the main anti-TB drugs.
Improving the general condition of all patients in the intervention group was observed at 7-10 days of starting treatment, which is 6-10 days earlier than in the control group.
By 30 day hospital stay among all patients of the group revealed a positive clinical dynamics that manifest in improving health, increasing physical activity, normalization of sleep, appetite, body temperature, feasible (2-3 kg) weight gain. At the same time course and intensity of therapy antibacterial agents in the main group, in contrast to the treatment of patients in the control group did not change because of the critical reduction of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood.
In the analysis of peripheral blood in all patients of the group within 30 days marked by intensive growth of the number of lymphocytes from 38 to 52% (lymphocytosis), despite taking antibiotics, having, as we know, immunosuppressive properties, while at admission, these figures were 10-15% (lymphopenia).
In the control group receiving in addition to antibiotic therapy and vitamin and diet therapy, normalization of lymphocyte count was slow, while due to the reduction of these indices to critical numbers had periodically used to reduce the number of antibacterial drugs and their doses.
Undoubtedly, the presence of lymphocytosis is a welcome sign of the flow of a tuberculous process, which explains the more vivid the positive dynamics of the therapy in the study group patients. At bronchoscopy during admission in all patients revealed the presence of nonspecific endobronchitis 2-3 tbsp. inflammation. At the control after 30 days in 50% patients of the group came full recovery endobronchitis (in the control group, 22.2%) and the remaining 50% of cases showed a clear positive trend - a full recovery occurred during the second month of treatment (control group, 61%, the third Month 100%). Radiographically in 2 patients (10%) in the study group noted resolution of inflammatory infiltrates in the upper lobes of the lung and the presence of dense foci after 30 days, the rest marked by a good positive trend due to partial resorption of infiltration and polymorphic focal shadows, full recovery in 3-4 months In the control group similar dynamics was observed for 4-6 months of treatment.
All patients in the study group to the 30 day has come abacillation (fluorescence microscopy, inoculation of sputum for BK) in the control group in connection with the periodic decrease in the intensity of the ongoing antibiotic therapy abacillation occurred at 45-60 days of treatment. In the study of airflow obstruction during admission of patients revealed varying degrees of respiratory failure, normalization of the LF corresponds to the above data obtained by bronchoscopy.
The investigations led to the following conclusions:
1. Receiving BAA ART LIFE SUPER Shield at a dose of 2 capsules per day is an effective means of pathogenetic therapy for tuberculosis.
2. BAA ART LIFE SUPER Shield improves clinical and functional status of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.
3. In applying the BAA ART LIFE SUPER Shield patients increases the absolute number of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood (lymphocytosis), which is a welcome sign of the flow of tuberculosis.
4.U all patients had a positive radiographic dynamics due to resorption of inflammatory infiltration and polymorphic shadows in the lung tissue, with minimal residual effects.
5.U of bacillary patients come abacillation in a short time.
6. The drug is well tolerated, no toxicity.