Practical recommendations on dietary supplements ARTLIFE in treatment of urogenital pathology.

DI Malik, Kemerovo

Inflammatory diseases of prostate

Prostatitis - a number of different etiologies of diseases and conditions of the prostate that have similarities in symptoms and flow, but require many different approaches to the treatment choice.
1.Infektsionnye prostatitis
- Nonspecific: bacterial, viral, caused by chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardnerella, fungal;
- Specific: Gonorrheal, trichomonazice, tuberculosis, mixed.
2.Zastoynye (congestive) prostate by clinical signs of prostatitis can be divided into acute and chronic.
Infectious prostatitis are found in 92.7% of cases, including those caused by urogenital infections (Chlamydia, Ureaplasma, etc.) in 68%. The most common way of penetration of the infectious agent is urinogenny upward. Most often these are young people who have had a mixed infection of the urethra with resistant strains to antibiotics. Rarely dominates gramnegativnaya flora that is associated with age-related disorders outflow of urine from the bladder. Such a mechanism of infection of the prostate is typical for patients with middle and old age. Inflammation of the prostate may occur at ARI, tonsillitis, sinusitis, purulent skin diseases and other hotbeds of focal infection (hematogenous route of infection). Lymphogenous way possible with inflammatory diseases of the adjacent organs (proctitis, thrombophlebitis of hemorrhoidal veins, etc.). Infectious prostatitis, especially chronic, developing on the background of a decrease of immunity.

Acute infectious prostatitis

This disease requires the adoption of vigorous measures to reorganize the source of inflammation, including a mandatory combined antibiotic therapy. To conduct a background therapy with a biologically active food additives (BAA) appointed the following drug groups:
1. Biologics in order to inhibit free radical reactions of lipid peroxidation (LPO) - Super Shield 1 capsule 2 times a day. Strengthen the antioxidant effect by using drugs monovitaminnyh: Vitamin "E" (1 gel per day for 2 weeks) COMPLEX WITH VITAMIN "C" (1 tablet 2 times daily for 2 weeks), beta-carotene (for one gel per day during the week); Green Star additionally, in addition to antioxidant activity, provides a soft detoxification (1 capsule 2 times a day).
Useful enzyme complex PLUS (1 tablet 2 times a day during meals), also has antioxidant properties.
2. To protect liver cells from the toxic effects of chemotherapy drugs used hepatoprotectors: stewed fruit GEPATON 3 (1 teaspoonful to I cup of water 2-3 times a day). Salsola collina extract contained in this drug that inhibits lipid peroxidation, thereby protecting liver cells from damage.
Symptoms of fever accompanying acute prostatitis, ease of SBC IVLAKSIN (1 tablet 2 times a day), containing natural antipyretic and analgesic substances.
Due to the fact that there is a pronounced acute prostatitis leucocyturia, and sometimes purulent discharge from the urethra, shown RENSEPT (1 tablet 2 times a day for 20 days) for the renovation of the urinary tract.
Dysuric disorder (frequent, painful urination) will facilitate the appointment of tea tree oil (0,25% solution in vegetable oil as mikroklizm at night for 10 days).
In the rehabilitation period are shown:
- Immunomodulators: SUPER Shield 1 capsule 2 times a day for a month or stewed fruit EHINOL (1 teaspoon per cup of water 2 times a day for a month), Cat's Claw (500 mg) 1 capsule 2 times daily for 1 months.
- Eubiotics ATSIDOBAK, BIFIDOBAK for correction of dysbiosis.
During the entire period of the disease requires taking a multivitamin preparation DISCOVERY POWER (1 tablet 1 time a day), as is common state of hypovitaminosis exacerbated during the pathological process.

Chronic infectious prostatitis

The main treatment is antibiotic therapy with broad-spectrum for a period 10-14 days.
During the period of antibiotic treatment are shown antioxidants and hepatoprotectors: stewed fruit GEPATON 3 (1 teaspoon to 1 cup water 2-3 times a day) Super Shield (1 capsule 2 times a day). If dysuria shown tea tree oil in the enema (0,25% oil solution).
In the rehabilitation period are shown immunomodulators: SUPER Shield (1 capsule 2 times daily) or stewed fruit EHINOL (1 teaspoon per glass of water 2-3 times a day for 1-2 months), Cat's Claw 350 mg (1 capsule 2 times a day for 1-2 months).
To correct the dysbiosis shown eubiotics ATSIDOBAK, BIFIDOBAK, COMPLEX ENZYME PLUS (1 tablet 2 times a day). During the entire period of the disease is appointed DISCOVERY POWER (1 tablet 1 time a day).

Stagnant (kongetivny) prostatitis

In the pathogenesis of congestive prostatitis has the greatest value dysrhythmia sexuality
- Long breaks, or, conversely, sexual excesses, venous stasis in the pelvic and scrotum and their combination.
Venous stasis leads to thrombosis, destruction of vascular endothelium and tissue damage. In these circumstances, the necessary drugs that improve blood rheology and microcirculation, strengthen the vascular wall in 1-2 months: Cat's Claw (1 capsule 2 times a day) COMPLEX WITH VITAMIN "C" (1 tablet 1 time per day) ; ESSENTSIAL OIL (1 capsule 2-3 times daily before meals); NEYROSTRONG (1 tablet 2 times a day); IVLAKSIN (1 tablet 2 times a day).
Patients of middle age and older should be further recommend taking FORMULA MEN (1 tablet 2 times a day) to improve urinary flow, reduce swelling of the prostate (in the presence of symptoms of difficult urination).

Complications of Prostatitis

Neyroretseptornaya sexual dysfunction reflects frustration copulative cycle - the weakening of (lack of) sex drive (libido) is incomplete, unstable, inadequate or lack of erection, premature, accelerated or delayed ejaculation (ejaculation) of wear (no) orgasm. Many phenomena of sexual disorders are in treatment of prostatitis alone. While maintaining the sexual dysfunction treatment should be carried out in two stages.
The first stage - sedation: NEYROSTABIL (1 tablet 2 times a day for 3 weeks) Good Night (1 capsule at night for 3 weeks).
The second stage - toning therapy: COMPLEX Yohimbe Plus (1 tablet 2 times a day for 20 days), vitamin "E" (1 gel per day for a month). During the entire period of treatment should DISCOVERY POWER (1 tablet 2 times a day).

Excretory infertility

Infectious agents have toxic effects on the spermatogenic epithelium. Then, the process is supported autoaggression due to the formation of antibodies to the tissues and sperm, a violation of the metabolism of male sex hormones in the prostate gland. The main treatment is the rehabilitation focus of inflammation.
For detoxification appoint: TOKSFAYTER (1 / 2 teaspoon 2 times daily before meals) or FITOSORBOVIT (1 tablet 2 times a day according to the scheme: 10 days of reception, 5 days off, 10 days of reception, etc.) within a month.
Antitoxic liver function will increase HEPAR Formula (1 tablet 2 times a day for a month).
Then shown a combination of FORMULA FOR MEN (1 tablet 2 times daily for 2 months) and vitamin "E" (1 gel per day for 1 month) with a bracing therapy; DISCOVERY POWER (1 tablet 2 times a day 1-2 months) Lecithin (1 dessert spoon per day 1-2 months), Beta-Carotene (1 gel per day for a month).

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) remains one of the most common diseases of older men. Diagnosis and treatment of BPH is not only a serious health, but also a big social problem. Conducted in our country epidemiological studies indicate a gradual increase in the frequency of BPH with 11.3% aged 40-49 years to 81.4% at age 80. Up to 30% of men 40 years of age, surviving to 80 years, carry surgical treatment for BPH.
It is now believed that the patient may suffer from both BPH and chronic prostatitis, whereas clinically for a long time seen only one of these diseases. BPH - benign hormone-dependent tumors of the prostate gland of men elderly. During the aging male body stronger reaction of lipid peroxidation in tissues of the prostate gland, which increases the cofactors NAD and NADP. Along with increased content of estrogens (female hormones), it enhances the concentration and activity of the enzyme 5-a-reductase converts testosterone into DHT. This process determines an increase in formation of androgen-receptor complex. Increased formation of the latter leads to increased influence on the genome of the cell nuclei of the prostate gland and activates the synthesis of protein that forms the basis of cell proliferation.
The main drug in the prevention and treatment of BPH is a dietary supplement company FORMULA MALE ART LIFE, which contains plant extracts, significantly delaying tumor growth. Serenoa repens (U.S. veerolistnaya palm) inhibits 5-a reductase, prostatic epithelial cell proliferation induced by growth factors, inhibits the growth of prostate cancer by blocking the binding of prolactin to specific receptors, exerts antiestrogenic and anti-androgenic actions at the level of the prostate, has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory (inhibits phospholipase A2) effects.
Pydgeum africanum (Cameroonian wild plum) inhibits the abnormal growth of fibroblasts, has anti-inflammatory action, reduces hyperactivity and increases the threshold of excitability of the detrusor.
The drug is enhanced by zinc, essential for the proper functioning of the prostate, pumpkin seed oil, antiseptic action of parsley.
FORMULA MEN assigned to 1 tablet 2 times a day in the morning for 1 month. In the next 2 months - 1 tablet 1 time a day. Recommended 2-3 courses per year. Useful combination of FORMULA MEN with a biologically active supplement Cat's Claw (500 mg) 1 capsule 2 times a day and ESSENTSIAL OIL (1 gel 2 times a day), which justifies nediagnostsiruemym combination of BPH with chronic prostatitis or prostate cancer.

Complications of BPH

1.Infektsiya urinary tract. Appointed ART LIFE RENSEPT (1 tablet 2 times a day for 20 days, then break 10 days - 3 courses); immunomodulators: SUPER Shield (1 capsule 2 times a day), Cat's Claw, stewed fruit EHINOL.

2.Ostraya urinary retention (AUR) demands the immediate removal of urine catheter or drainage of the bladder.
FORMULA MEN recommended (1 tablet 2-3 times daily) to reduce the swelling of the prostate. On the background of the bladder drained RENSEPT recommended (1 tablet 1 time a day) for the prevention of inflammatory complications.
3.Hronicheskaya urinary retention with the development of chronic renal failure - an absolute indication for bladder drainage (cystostomy).
On the background of reduced flow of urine for a more rapid excretion of nitrogenous toxins appointed Enter on sorbents: TOKSFIGHTER, FITOSORBOVIT in conjunction with the Green Star. Requires taking supplements RENSEPT courses for 20 days and a break of 10 days. 
4.Kamni bladder is a sign of pronounced disorders of urine outflow. Showing surgery. In case of impossibility of surgery may be recommended drugs: FORMULA FOR MEN (1 tablet 2 times a day); RENSEPT (1 tablet 2 times a day), which alternated with BURDOK C (1 tablet 2 times a day).
Chronic shortage of many vital nutrients - full of protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and fiber - for exacerbating the pathological process, increases the risk of various complications.
The most effective and quickest way to improve dietary patterns of patients is a widely used dietary supplement ART LIFE , which as far as possible designed to meet the changed physiological needs for nutrients sick person, as well as on the principle of metabolic shunting to bypass the damaged link metabolic disorders pipeline to increase, due to strengthening elements of the enzyme defense cells, nonspecific resistance of the organism.
Medical practice suggests that biologically active substances from plants and animals have several advantages over synthetic monocomponent and drugs.
Using them, the person receives a wide range of related natural compounds, and they affect his body is much softer and longer. Supplements are non-toxic, better tolerated by the body, much less cause complications, often removing the negative effects of chemotherapy.
Thus, the use of dietary supplements in treatment of patients suffering from Uro-genital pathology, to enhance the quality of care, improve the immediate and long-term outcomes.
