Venous trophic ulcers

Trophic ulcer - a defect in the skin or mucous membranes that occurs after the rejection of necrotic tissue due to violations of its blood supply or innervation. Such ulcers are characterized by long flow with constant relapses, they are difficult to treat. Most venous ulcers is a complication of acquired or congenital diseases, damage to blood vessels, nerves, soft tissue and bone. Causes of venous ulcers can be venous insufficiency (eg, thrombophlebitis, against the background of varicose veins), a sharp narrowing of the arteries (eg, due to atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, etc.), violation of lymph drainage (elephantiasis), violation of the innervation of tissues ( in trauma, certain diseases), with chronic skin diseases (eg, eczema), trauma (burns, frostbite), etc. 
Trophic ulcers, which occur against a background of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis are the most common type of venous ulcers. 
These sores usually appear on the inner and outer surface of the lower third of the tibia. In this case, due to stagnation of venous blood is broken food tissue is its destruction with the formation of ulcers, and later joins the infection. The characteristic form of trophic ulcers are caused by a background of hypertension. They are usually located symmetrically on both sides at the front or posteroexternal of the leg and have high morbidity. 
Ulcers appear edema leg, heaviness and cramps in the calf muscles, itching, burning and heat on the skin surface. Condition improves, unless of course give the exalted position. Also on the skin can be seen meandering network of thin veins, spots of blue-purple skin thickens, becomes painful, hard, shiny and stiffness. Disturbed lymph drainage (she starts to seep through the skin in the form of droplets). Then gradually die off and the fabric is formed by an ulcer. 
Trophic ulcers occur due to atherosclerosis, obliterative endarteritis, hypertension, chronic shortfall in tissues of nutrients and oxygen. All this leads to necrosis and decay of tissue cells and the formation of ulcers. Also causes of ulcers may be hypothermia, a variety of injuries, the wearing of compressive leg shoes, etc. These sores are usually formed in the heel, the foot and big toe. Their size is small, with thick irregular edges. These sores are very painful, as is constantly injured while walking. 
In contrast, ulcers in venous insufficiency of the pain persists even after giving limb elevated position. To eliminate trophic ulcers primarily provides treatment of the underlying disease that caused the complication in the form of trophic ulcers - are treated venous insufficiency, arterial disease, etc. 
At the same time, we treat ulcers. Patient limbs attached to an elevated position, for the rejection of necrotic tissue and wound cleansing are used enzymes that dissolve them. Once the ulcer cleared, apply an ointment to promote healing. Appointed by the various physical therapy procedures. 
Surgical treatment of venous ulcers is considered the most effective, as during surgery usually resolves the cause of the trophic ulcer. 

 Medical gymnastics

Such exercises can be performed and for the prevention of disease. Starting position: standing at the back of the chair. Feet together, rise on your toes, leaning his arms on the chair, then down. Repeat 6 times. 
Without lifting the heels off the floor, completing 5 sit-ups. Flatten with your feet together, run alternately shaking his right foot, then left. Repeat 5 times. 
Leaning back in his chair, do 5 jumping on his toes. Starting position: sitting on a chair. Legs together, arms along the body. Run alternately lifting the legs slightly bent at the knees. Repeat 10 times. 
Put ourselves on the floor of any easy subject. Alternately raise it by pinching the toes. Repeat 6 times. 
Run alternately lifting the legs with rotary motion in the knee joints. Repeat 6 times. 
Get up from his chair and run in place for 30 seconds, then perform sipping his whole body, raising his hands up and rising on his toes. Exercise complex medium complexity Starting position: sitting on a chair. Put your feet together, move the stop on the heels of the feet, then move the roll of emphasis on their toes. Repeat 10 times. 
Put your right foot to the left, lift your left leg as high as possible. Then do the exercise, changing the position of the feet. Repeat 8 times. 
Put your right foot to the left. Rotate the right foot clockwise, then change legs. Repeat 10 times. 
As remedial measures can be used cycling, swimming, hiking in the park, woods or along the promenade. Starting position: standing behind the chair. Put your feet together, hands can rely on his chair. To rise on his toes, stretching the entire body, then go down to your feet and get back on your heels. Repeat 6 times. 
Stand sideways to a chair and, holding on to it with one hand and do 10 sit-ups without taking heels off the floor. Then in 5 sit-ups on your toes. Holding one hand on the back of a chair lift extended leg as high as possible, then lower. Repeat 5 times. 
Then do the exercise the other leg. Stand sideways to a chair, one hand leaning on the backrest, lift his leg bent at the knee as high as possible, then lower. Repeat 6 times. Do the exercise the other leg. Run in place for 30 seconds, gradually moving on walking on the spot. As an additional exercise can jump rope for 1 minute and around the room in a circle on the socks 2 times. A set of exercises increased complexity Starting position: lying on his back. Raise the straight leg, preferably perpendicular to the floor, rotate your feet inward, then outward. Repeat 8 times. 
Bend the left leg at the knee, pull up to his chest, straightened and slowly lower. Do the exercise the other leg. Repeat 10 times. 
Starting position: sitting on a chair. Pull straight legs forward, to bring together. Pull socks with effort, trying to get to the floor, then as an effort to bend the foot. Repeat 10 times. 
Thumb of his left leg slowly to hold on right lower leg from foot to knee, then do the same heel. Do the exercise the other leg. Repeat 10 times. Put your feet at a distance of 10 cm from each other, put ourselves on the floor the rope. Toes and grab the rope, lifting it slightly above the floor, try to keep a few seconds, then release. Repeat exercise 5 times. 
Pull straight legs forward. Perform flexion and extension stop. Can each leg separately, then simultaneously. Repeat 10 times. 
Starting position: standing. Feet to put together, hands along lower torso. Get up on your toes, stand up for 10-15 seconds, then lower. Repeat 10 times. 
Perform the same exercise, getting up on his heels. Do 10 sit-ups on your toes. 
Do 15 sit-ups, not taking his foot off the floor. Physical exercises develop and strengthen the skeletal muscles, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, thereby facilitating the work of the staff circulation, positively affecting the condition of the nervous system and generally helping to restore and preserve the health of the whole organism. Run in place for 3 minutes. Bypass on the socks around the room. Within 3 minutes walking to perform on the spot. Run, jump rope for 1 minute.
