Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate)

For the first time revealed the role of vitamin E in the reproductive process in 1920, the white rats, are usually very fertile, it was observed during long-term cessation of breeding dairy diet (skim milk) with the development of avitaminosis E.

In 1922 Evans and Bishop found that under normal ovulation and conception, pregnant female rats, fetal death occurred in the exclusion from the diet of fat-soluble dietary factors, available in green leaves and buds of grain. Avitaminosis E in male rats causes changes in the seed of the epithelium.

Vitamin E also improves blood circulation, is essential for tissue regeneration, is helpful in premenstrual syndrome and treatment of fibrous breast disease. It provides normal blood clotting and healing, reduces the chance of scarring from some wounds, reduces blood pressure, helps prevent cataracts, improves athletic achievement; relieves leg cramps, supports the health of nerves and muscles, strengthening the capillary walls and prevents anemia.

As an antioxidant, vitamin E protects cells from damage by slowing the oxidation of lipids (fats) and the formation of free radicals. It protects other fat-soluble vitamins from destruction by oxygen, promotes the absorption of vitamin A and protects it from oxygen. Vitamin E slows down aging, can prevent the occurrence of senile pigmentation.

Vitamin E is also involved in the formation of collagen and elastic fibers of the intercellular substance. Tocopherol prevents increased blood clotting, a positive effect on the peripheral circulation is involved in the biosynthesis of heme and proteins, cell proliferation, education, gonadotropins, the development of the placenta.

However, be aware that vitamin E plays a preventive role - he can not restore the pre-existing damage. Participants in some studies, which were not found any anti-cancer effectiveness of vitamin E for many years smoked or irresponsible attitude to healthy eating. No drugs or vitamins are not able to reverse the tissue destruction caused by decades of unhealthy lifestyles. For example, the daily intake of 400 between. units. Vitamin E can prevent the conversion of nitrite (certain substances that are present in smoked and pickled foods) into carcinogenic nitrosamines, but does not lead to a backlash conversion of nitrosamines to nitrites.

In addition to this the effectiveness of vitamin E increased in the presence of other nutrients, antioxidants. Its anti-cancer protective effect is especially noticeable increases vitamin C.
The amount of vitamin E is usually measured in international units (IU).

1 IU = 0.67 mg a-tocopherol = 1 mg a-tocopherol acetate

1.49 IU = 1 mg a-tocopherol = 1.49 mg a-tocopherol acetate

Animal sources

Egg yolk, liver, milk

Plant sources:

Vegetable oils: sunflower, cotton, corn, seeds of apples, nuts (almonds, peanuts), turnips, green leafy vegetables, cereals, legumes, oatmeal, soybeans, wheat, and its seedlings. Herbs rich in vitamin E: dandelion, alfalfa, flaxseed, nettle, oats, raspberry leaf, rose hips.

Daily maintenance

children under 1 year of life - 0,5 mg / kg (usually fully prepared with their mother's milk), adults - 0.3 mg / kg.

Factor increasing the need for the human body as vitamin E, an increased intake of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis

The first and most early sign, manifested rather quickly with insufficient intake of dietary vitamin E and the excess input of unsaturated fatty acids, is a muscular dystrophy. Dystrophy of skeletal muscles is the most universal manifestation of avitaminosis E. The most severe lesions observed in the diaphragm. Muscle fibers to degrade, and in the necrotic fibers are deposited calcium salts.

In the liver in avitaminosis E described necrosis, fatty degeneration, the expansion of the sinusoids, the decrease in glycogen content.

Failure may also trigger shortening the life of red blood cells (erythrocytes). Animal studies show that vitamin E may also suffer from heart muscle, and reproductive functions.

Indications for Admission


high physical load,

disruption of the menstrual cycle,

threatened miscarriage,

climacteric autonomic disorders,

gonadal dysfunction in men

neurasthenia with fatigue,

asthenic syndrome,

Amyotrophic lateral syndrome

primary muscular dystrophy,

Post-traumatic secondary myopathy

disease ligamentous system and muscles,

degenerative and proliferative changes in the joints and ligamentous apparatus of spine and large joints,


Some dermatoses


in gerantologii (old age),

spasm of peripheral vessels,

epilepsy (to improve the efficiency of anticonvulsants)

in treatment for many diseases (as antioxidant).

All preparations were stored in a well-tocopherol packed bowl and protected from light to the sun's rays do not destroy vitamin E.
