
complex to protect the body from the majority of helminths and protozoa
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Helminthic invasions and infectious diseases caused by protozoa are widely spread. Invermination by helminths and protozoa is accompanied by gastrointestinal tract organs dysfunction, intoxication and metabolic disorders development. Complexes based on vegetative components most effectively and safely compensate harmful influence on the organism.

Artemizin fitocomplex is recommended both for fighting against helminthic invasions and protozoal infections and for their prevention.

It has shown 100% of effectiveness in a complex treatment of ascariasis and enterobiasis. In eighty cases of a hundred its components actively affect the parasitic protozoa Lamblia increasing the frequency of successful lambliosis treatment.

Biocomplex vegetative components are well-balanced and provide a complex improvement of gastrointestinal tract. Tansy, creeping thyme and wormwood have a strong antihelminthic and disinfecting action. Tansy flower flavonoids are strong phytoncides killing round worms and a number of pyogenic microorganisms. These substances have an evident anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic action. Creeping thyme is a strong natural analgetic. Active substances of wormwood extract have a styptic, antifebrile, wound healing and general health-improving action. Besides, they have an ability to activate the immunity. Antimicrobial, antihelminthic and styptic properties of knotgrass extract have a positive effect on gastrointestinal tract mucous membrane and are increased by a spasmolytic, choleretic and antiseptic action of St. John's wort and peppermint extract that stimulate the normalization of intestinal peristalsis and prevent the absorption of helminthic and protozoal decay products.


  • prevention and treatment of helminthic invasions (enterobiasis, ascariasis) • prevention and treatment of protozoal infections (lambliosis) • digestive system organs and liver dysfunction • undue intestinal aerogenesis • toxic liver lesions • appetite reduction of various ethiology • long-term habitation on the garden plot

How to use:
  “Artemizin” is recommended as a dietary supplement, an additional source of flavonoids. Adults should take 2 tablets 3 times a day with food. The period of use is 10 days. Consult the doctor before using. Anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic and antiparasitic effect of the vegetable complex “Artemizin” is the basis for effective prevention of parasitic and helminthic invasions, it may also be used in a complex therapy of ascariasis, enterobiasis, and lambliosis. The effectiveness is clinically proved.

  intolerance to product ingredients, should not be used with medicines. Is not a medicine.

Is the medicine:

Expiration date:
  2 years. See lot number and manufacture date on the bottom of the package.

Storage Conditions:
  Store in dry place at controlled room temperature. Keep out of reach of children.

  Thyme 50 mg Peppermint (leaf) 50 mg, Tansy (flowers) 50 mg, Common Wormwood Extract 30 mg, Highlander bird (extract) 5 mg, St. John's wort (an extract) 5 mg
• Thyme contains up to 1% essential oil, the main component of which is thymol (30%). Also found tannins, bitterness, gum, triterpene compounds - ursolic and oleanolic acid, flavonoids, a large amount of mineral salts.
• Pharmacological properties associated with thymol related to the derivatives of phenol. Unlike phenol, thymol is less toxic, less irritating to mucous membranes, has a bactericidal effect on the coccal flora and active against pathogenic fungi, tape worms and trichurid.
• Wormwood is considered to Russ ceremonial plant. In the early summer feast of Semik. On this day young people "chasing mermaids." Girls all day wear mugwort for protection from witches and mermaids. In addition, the wormwood served as The Love Potion. In Belarus, it was assumed that the beam of wormwood, suspended above the doors of houses, protects its inhabitants from witchcraft. In Russia, for these purposes under the Christmas wormwood fumigated the house and stables. To this end, wormwood disrupted only by the Assumption, August 28, sanctified in the church and kept up as long as needed. In the use of wormwood for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The plant contains bitter glycosides, flavonoids, volatile oil, volatile, alkaloids, vitamins (ascorbic acid and provitamin A), organic acids (malic, succinic), and tannins. Preparations of Artemisia reflexively stimulates the glands of the gastrointestinal tract, increase bile secretion and significantly improve digestion. Contained in the plant terpenoid compounds produced a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the function of the reticuloendothelial system and phagocytic activity. Wormwood has long been used to deal with ascariasis and hookworm.
• Tansy contains essential oil, flavonoid compounds, quercetin, and phenol carbonic acids, a bitter substance tanatsetin, tannins, alkaloids. Tansy have antihelminthic (against ascarids and pinworms) protivolyamblioznoe, choleretic, antispasmodic and astringent actions. It increases the acidity of gastric juices, improves appetite, digestion, a positive effect on metabolic functions of the liver, has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic action. As cholagogue used for cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis, with sluggish digestion, flatulence and enterocolitis.
• St. John's was considered a medicinal herb in ancient Greece and Rome. Write about it Hippocrates, Dioscorides, Pliny the elder, Avicenna. In the old St. John's wort was considered a magical plant. In rural areas, stuffing mattresses for children, to be sure the straw is added Bogorodskaya herb (thyme) to the child dreamed sweet dreams, and St. John's wort to the smell of this plant are shielded him from the fear in his sleep. Older boys and girls were wondering on the stems hypericum. Twist it in your hands and watch what the juice will be: if the red - hence, like, if colorless - not love. Old people believed that St. John's wort drives away evil spirits, disease and prevents a person from the attack of wild animals. The Germans called it "chertoganom" because they believed, like St. John's wort drives out devils and hobgoblins. The people called St. John's wort grass from 99 diseases, and there was virtually no data collection, in which it would not include as a primary or secondary drug. The herb St. John's wort contains a variety of biologically active compounds and has a multilateral pharmacological properties. The most active compounds are flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, choleretic, antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles of the bile ducts, intestines, blood vessels and ureter, St. John's wort flavonoids cropped spasms of the colon and small intestine, restore normal motility, thus improving the digestive capacity of the gastrointestinal tract . The high antiseptic activity of hypericum extract against Staphylococcus aureus and other bacteria. It is useful in treating mild forms of depression, fatigue, asthenic-neurotic and hypochondriac syndromes. • Peppermint. Its extract has a calming, spasmodic, choleretic, antiseptic and analgesic properties, as well as providing koronarorasshiryayuschee reflex action. Dosage forms of mint leaves enhance the secretion of digestive glands and improve appetite.
• Sporýš - a living treasure of valuable substances and vitamins. It contains a large amount of ascorbic acid (3-fold higher than in the famous lemon), vitamin C, carotene, flavonoids, tannins, compounds of silicic acid. The drug has broad pharmacological properties: first of all, has anti-toxic effect, and also affects the function of the gastrointestinal tract due to the presence of tannins, possess anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. Thus, biologically active food supplement Artemisinin governs the pancreas, it normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, has antispasmodic, laxatives, choleretic, toxic properties, and reduces inflammation of the mucous of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, improves digestion and appetite. Biologically active additive artemisinin - is fitopreparation with a complex mechanism of action of anthelminthic.

  Certificate of state registration number from 16.08.2004 Quality Management System and Safety LLC Artlife "certified under the ISO 9001: 2000, HACCP and GMP.
