Joint flex
anti-inflammatory complex for musculoskeletal system
#3005 (90 tab) #3205 (180 tab)
Chronic inflammatory joints diseases occur due to the combination of noninfectious inflammatory reactions and metabolic disorders. This is a comprehensive concept since it includes a number of diseases of different origin which are combined by general manifestation, i.e. lack of joints mobility.
Joint flex bioactive complex is designed for an effective correction and restoration of the disorders of the functions of the musculoskeletal system as well as for the prevention of the same.
Glucosaminsulphate and chondroitin sulfate, the natural components of cartilaginous intercellular substance form the complex basis. Articular surface is covered by cartilaginous tissue, that’s why «Joint flex» complex is a provider of natural nutritious support for joints functioning. Besides, glucosaminsulphate and chondroitin sulfate reduce pain, improve joints mobility, and decelerate the inflammatory process progressing in case of their prolonged use.
The joints functioning restoration is provided due to active anti-inflammatory properties of yucca, incense tree and bromeline extract as well as due to the immunomodulatory effect of Peruvian vine Cat’s claw bark extract. In the conditions of antioxidant protection provided by grapes seeds extract and vitamin C there occurs the reduction of articular apparatus inflammatory period and maintains a prolonged protective effect of the «Joint flex» active complex.
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• functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system of different etiologies: spine osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis, tendovaginitis, myositis, • conditions after injuries, • increased physical activity of the musculoskeletal system; • vessels and connective tissue disorders including cardiac valve pathologies; • nails fragility, alopecia; • reduced skin elasticity and xerosis
Recommendations for use:
Joint Flex is recommended as a dietary food supplement - an additional source of vitamin C, glyukozaminoglikanov. Acceptance of three tablets (the recommended dose) to ensure the intake of vitamin C - 75 mg - 100% glyukozaminsulfata - 300mg - 60% chondroitin sulfate - 75mg - 20% of daily needs.
How to use:
adult: 1 tablet 3 times daily with meals. Before applying are encouraged to consult with your doctor.
Individual intolerance to the components supplements
Is the medicine:
Expiration date:
3 years from the date of manufacture.
Storage Conditions:
Store at room temperature in a dry place inaccessible to children.
Glucoseaminesulphate - 100 mg, Chondroitin sulphate - 25 mg, Calcium hydroxyappatit - 25 mg ; Vitamin C - 25 mg, Extract bosvelii - 25 mg ; Yucca - 12,5 mg, Bromelein - 7,5 mg, Extract of grape seeds -- 1,25 mg, Cat's claw bark extract - 1 mg.
Certificate of state registration number of 77.99.23.Z.U.10805.9.05 26.09.2005y.