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What is a footwear

, 01:49
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This is a shoe that is designed to hTo protect your feet. At the current market there are many kinds of shoes (medical, construction, for other food and chemical industries). By the way, if you need special shoes Kharkov company has a manufacturer « MIK & raquo ;, which manufactures personal protective equipment of high quality.

The very first thing in thepetsobuv must be protected from:

- moisture;
- from static loads;
- from the heat;
- from biological various factors;
- from radioactive contamination.

This shoe should fit the exact size and characteristics of the foot. Still needs to be comfortable andcomfortable, light weight, and fully meet the hygiene requirements to support climate. Materials from which shoes are manufactured, most are polymers such as polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride. Polyurethane, very light and resistant. The sole is made of PVC little inconvenient, since weighs a lot.

Another important prizeNAC in this specific shoe is a heater (faux fur). Another important component for the manufacture of shoes have a material yuft. Yuft materials have their own distinctive characteristics and properties. They have a high density and environmental friendliness. Leatherette allows you to get cheap shoes. Work shoes before going tothe buyer must pass all standard test studies have the appropriate type, quality and reliability. It must withstand about 1 year of operation. Should also be mandatory to protect the foot from the bottom should not be slippery and provide adequate ventilation feet. These shoes have to buy from reliable companies that providewarranty on many shipments. And that the customer was confident in her resistance and good wear.

Author: Artlife
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