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Ainhoa ??Cosmetics

, 20:36
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The modern cosmetic industry is represented by a number of brands and resources to care for the body, combining the wealth and properties of naturalelements and achievements of science. Among all this diversity is difficult to opt for what or standing. Professional cosmetics cosmetology lab offers Spanish Cosmetica Cabinas. In the nineties she was introduced to the market a line of products under the name AINHOA (pronounced as Ainhoa ??or Ainhoa). about tosmetike Ainhoa ??you can on their official website Even then, the creation of funds for the care of the body have been used the latest achievements in the field of cosmetology and pharmacology. In addition to its own product, Ainhoa ??- it is also a comprehensive program aimed at solving specific problems (cellulite, figure correction, microcirculation,reduction of body weight). In his professional activity cosmetics Ainhoa ??use massage therapists and beauticians. Specially created for them 3 special product line:

- Body line. Is the main line of products for the skin. This is a group of funds, including oil and cream massage, exfoliation, antitsellyulitnye, creams for the skin of hands and feet, anti-stretch marks and more;
- Spa luxury. The line includes the ideal tool for the SPA, as well as specialized techniques for specific cases;
- Chocolate. The line includes anti-cellulite massage (creams and masks).
In addition to professional lines before Ainhoareserves also available product line for domestic needs, based natural herbal ingredients.

Author: Artlife
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