On the comprehensive prevention of iodine deficiency

Iodine deficiency - a threat not only to the health of the individual, but also the nation's gene pool. Prevention of iodine deficiency - one of the priorities of national health policy, because by virtue of geographical features and geochemical characteristics of the soil, about 60% of the territory of our country is in the area of iodine deficiency. Lack of iodine in the water, air, food is an extremely important issue for Russia. Any doctor knows that iodine deficiency in the body extremely negative impact on the health status of entire regions. Inhabitants of these regions are subject to the total risk of contracting various forms of thyroid dysfunction and related set of psychosomatic diseases.

What is the importance of iodine for the organism and its viability? To begin with, that the daily allowance for an adult, which is 150 mg, iodine is the most important macro elements. Macro-known substances, the daily demand for which exceeds 100 mg. Iodine - is one of the elements forming the overall health. As is known, it is a major component of thyroid hormone - thyroxine. It thyroxine increases resistance to harmful environmental factors, activates several enzymes, increases the absorption of protein, promotes better assimilation of phosphorus, calcium and iron, prevents the development of endemic goiter. Thyroxin stimulates the development of the embryo. However, given the geographical features and food habits, we can conclude: the majority of the inhabitants of our country thyroid gland lacks iodine. Due to the fact that he was sorely lacking in our food, the rise of various pathologies. Iodine deficiency is one cause of benign tumors of the thyroid gland, hypothyroidism, obesity, pathology of mammary glands and other hormone-dependent disorders. Lack of iodine in the diet - a factor that increases the risk of Cancer. Some scientists do not exclude us increasing difficulties reproductive plan, but simply, that the ability to conceive and nurturing the child, with a deficit of such an important macro elements, as iodine.

Ministry of Health of Russia have intensified efforts to address the problem of iodine deficiency, have been developed proposals to eliminate it. At present, Russia is partially solved this problem through the promotion of iodized salt and recommendations for its use in the food industry. However, iodized salt has several disadvantages. First of all, it is not subject to long-term storage, but at high humidity iodine compounds rapidly decompose. This salt is destroyed by heat treatment of food, its addition in the process of cooking, baking bread, stewing or frying of food is ineffective. Use of iodized salt is not possible to dose intake of iodine in the body. Furthermore, the use of undesirable people who have contraindications to receiving iodine.

However, lack of iodine in human nutrition can be avoided through an individual approach to the problem, for example, with seafood, which always contain iodine (fish, crabs, shrimp, edible seaweed), and moreover, unlike iodized salt - in the form of organically bound iodine, which is well absorbed by the body. However, seafood is not the cheapest food. Unfortunately, for much of the population are not available. And not only the causes of the financial and economic plan impede broad use of these products. Do not forget about the peculiarities of the national cuisine, which is not too big a share is seafood. And it is not surprising, since most of the territories of Russia from the sea far removed.

In this regard, a particularly important role played by natural yodosoderzhaschie biologically active complexes on the basis of marine algae. Because such complexes iodine is organically bound state (mainly composed diyodaminokislot), it is stored in them for a long time and it can be accurately dosed at hand. The latter is particularly important because excess of iodine as unfavorable as his fault. To work correctly, thyroid and prevention of cancer of the body is recommended to avoid both low and high iodine intake.

The presence of iodine in the organically bound state provides:
Prolonged preservation of iodine;
• possibility to easily dose of iodine in the light of the food; 
Absence of side and toxic effects, since the excess iodine is excreted unchanged in.

It is for products containing organically bound iodine, is bioactive complex laminarin "from the company ArtLife.

Biologically active complex "laminarin" serves to prevent a serious iodine deficiency, leading to severe changes in mental and physical health. The basis of the complex is seaweed kelp, which can be called a concentrate of organically bound iodine. Obtained on the basis of its biologically active complexes are stable yodosoderzhaschimi additives, which can effectively combat iodine deficiency in nutrition of the population 

More valuable is the fact that among the organic compounds present kelp plant analogs of thyroid hormone thyroidin. In addition to iodine, kelp contains a wide range of minerals and trace elements such as boron, potassium, calcium, cobalt, manganese, copper, phosphorus, fluorine. As part of laminaria many proteins and salts of alginic acid, which is an effective natural sorbent and can neutralize and rid the body of toxins and heavy metal salts. This algae - a source of valuable vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C and D. The presence of a mild laxative effect, allows the use of kelp in elderly people with chronic constipation.

Laminaria has other unique properties, as shown in the experimental work of scientists from St. Petersburg. Found that kelp has no general toxic properties, has no toxic effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Was proven ability to withstand hypoxia, kelp, and a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism: in experimental animals, taking kelp, did not arise age obesity.

Biologically active complex "laminarin" can be used as a blocker and thyroid gland in people who have fallen in the area of nuclear destruction, for example, in case of accidents at nuclear power plants when it is necessary to protect the thyroid gland and the body from radioactive isotopes of iodine. It will be effective not only immediately after exposure to ionizing radiation for the prevention of thyroid cancer, but at a later date in order to replenish iodine deficiency and prevent other remote effects of cancer.

Advantages yodosoderzhaschego bioactive complex laminarin "in front of iodized salt and iodine preparations are evident. He is a natural product from the food kelp with organically bound iodine. It is easily digested and is capable of a long time to keep their properties. The undeniable advantage of the complex to the balanced artificial mixtures of "minerals" is that he has a natural vegetable origin, it all micro-and macro organically linked with amino acids and proteins, ie are elements of food. No less important is the fact that the ratio of these components is balanced by nature.

An additional advantage of complex laminarin is and what it consists of nettle and rose hips with anti-inflammatory effect. They have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, improve the condition of blood. This bioactive complex serves not only for the timely prevention of iodine deficiency, but also has a tonic and fortifying action.

In preparation for the article used the following materials:

VB Nekrasov, VG Bespalov, T. Nikitina, VT Kurnygina, NV Aksenov. Useful iodine from kelp. - "Market Supplements" August / September, 2001.
