Report on clinical testing of dietary supplements RENSEPT in patients with chronic diseases URINAL system

GB DZHUBANIYAZOVA, Inc. Issues Food of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty (presented with bills for a description of the Supplements))
Biologically active food additives (BAA) occupy a significant place in the prevention and adjunctive therapy for many diseases. In recent years, Kazakhstan is widely used dietary supplements that contain biologically active substances of plant, animal, microbial or synthetic origin, regulatory and catalytic functions of individual organs and body systems that support them in physiological boundaries of functional activity. Most supplements have a multicomponent composition and have a number of advantages over the monocomponent and synthetic drugs. In using them the person receives a range of natural compounds specific to the plant, and the effects on the body is softer and more durable. They are not toxic and, as the medical practice, rarely cause complications and allergic reactions.
Supplements containing phytocomplex may have pathogenetic and symptomatic effects on the body. Kidney and urinary system occupy a significant place in the overall morbidity of the population of our country and tend to increase. This problem is exacerbated by environmental degradation in many regions, the changing nature of nutrition, deteriorating quality of drinking water. In the etiopathogenesis of chronic diseases of urinary system leading factors are bacterial infections, impaired tone and motor function of the urinary system, reducing immunity. With difficulty the outflow of urine, inflammatory processes are the metabolism of salt and water, the precipitation of uric acid salts, oxalates, phosphates, with possible development of urolithiasis in the future. One of the main functions of the urinary system is to remove toxins from the body. Normal functioning of this system provides a constant vodnoelektrolitnogo balance. Diseases of the urinary tract lead to a breach of filtration, purification, and other body functions.
The objectives of treatment for this disease are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, the elimination of pain, support the immune system regulation tone of the urinary tract, maintenance of electrolyte balance, excretion of toxins from the body, antioxidant protection.
Company specialists ARTLIFE (Tomsk, Russia) developed a highly integrated plant bioadditive RENSEPT made from high quality raw materials, which has diuretic, anti-inflammatory effects and pronounced anti-microbial properties. Thanks to specially selected composition significantly enhanced the therapeutic effect of interaction within the RENSEPT components.
This dietary supplement is an herbal complex to normalize the functioning of the urinary system, which uses centuries-old experience of herbal treatments and advances in medical science.
Balanced formula RENSEPT includes cranberry powder and a unique complex of herbs that have antibacterial and diuretic properties.
Bioadditive RENSEPT has a strong antibacterial, antiviral and antibacterial action, is effective in treating and preventing relapses and exacerbations of infections mochevydelitelnogo tract.
The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of BAA is due to the favorable impact of biologically active substances on the disturbed metabolism, structure and function of kidneys and urinary system.
BAA ARTLIFE RENSEPT, having the composition vegetable ingredients and important micronutrients, has a powerful arsenal of effects on the pathogenetic factors of urinary tract infections, urinary bladder, urine acid diathesis, kidney stone disease to treatment and prevention, as well as symptomatic treatment of circulatory disorders. 
For use in the prevention of relapses and exacerbations of urinary tract infections, urinary bladder.
To increase the effectiveness of traditional medical therapy of these diseases.
In the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, toxicosis of pregnancy, allergies, in the schemes of anticancer therapy. Method of application: It is recommended as a dietary supplement, 1-2 tablets 3 times a day during meals with copious drinking. The course of treatment for 2-3 weeks, if necessary, treatment can be repeated.
Objective: to study the influence of dietary supplement RENSEPT on clinical and functional status of the urinary system in chronic diseases of the urinary tract in the acute phase and during the fading of exacerbation, assessment of tolerability and side effects.
Materials and methods
The studies were conducted on 15 ambulatory patients with kidney disease and urinary tract. The course of treatment was 20 days. All patients received supplements ARTLIFE RENSEPT 1 tablet 3 times a day during meals with plenty of fluids. 10 patients received both a basic drug therapy, which included the antibiotic ampicillin and 2 million units. per day; uroseptics palin on tablet 2 times daily for 7 days, antispasmodic, but silos in tablets or injections to relieve pain for 3-5 days, was recommended restricted diet of salt, drinking plenty of fluids. 5 patients with chronic pyelonephritis without exacerbation RENSEPT take supplements as a preventive measure to prevent recurrence and removal of salts from the urinary tract. To achieve this aim we used the following methods: 
- Clinical observation of patients;
- CBC;
- General urine analysis;
- Analysis of urine Nechiporenko;
- Urea, creatinine in serum;
- Potassium, sodium in the blood plasma;
- Ultrasound of the kidneys.
