Report on the testing of dietary supplements ART LIFE GLAZOROL.
ETC Kamorin, Municipal Health Clinical Polyclinic ¹ 5, Kemerovo
Various eye diseases caused by both general and local circulatory disorders, occupy a significant place among the causes of disability-free. Despite the undoubted successes in the treatment of vascular disease eyes achieved in the past two decades, the number of patients with various lesions of the retina, the lens continues to grow. This increase in the number of vascular eye diseases directly related to the prevalence of hypertension, atherosclerosis and diabetes, the cure that is almost impossible.
For treatment of various eye diseases with involvement of the retina used combined therapy, including vitamin, fabric, vasodilator drugs. However, even such intensive treatment does not provide long-term stabilization process. In search of treatment optimization, we noticed a new tool - a biologically active additives (BAA) GLAZOROL.
Its membership includes the following ingredients: extract of chokeberry, zinc sulfate, Ginkgo biloba, Glycine, Gotu kola, cysteine, vitamins B1 B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, glutathione, chromium picolinate, sodium selenite, beta-carotene; taurine, glutamic acid, superoxide dismutase, vitamin C, marigold extract, quercetin, lemon bioflavonoids, MCC.
One group, which is part of the drug used to prevent cardiovascular complications, are antioxidants.
Antioxidants provide protection from the damaging effects of free radicals. Chokeberry contains pro-vitamin A - up to 8 mg% vitamin C, P, B1. B2, E. Vitamins are mostly concentrated in the skin of the fruit. Contains flavonoids as glycosides. In recent years, flavonoids are becoming increasingly important as containing valuable physiologically active substances. They are used as an antispasmodic, hypotensive and sedative effect in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Recommended in cases involving increased permeability and fragility of blood vessels.
Ginkgo biloba. The leaves of this plant possess a number of unique properties. Contains flavonoids (24%), glycosides (6%) and terpenes. Able to rejuvenate the brain (increased content of acetylcholine, which enhances the brain uptake of glucose, oxygen). Since it is the brain regulates basic metabolic processes in the human body, then, rejuvenating your mind, we are rejuvenating the entire body.
In addition, it activates the peripheral circulation, increases oxygen supply of tissues and organs, has an antioxidant effect, helps to maintain normal blood pressure, prevent blood clots, accelerates the recovery processes in the brain, improves memory, thinking and mood.
Gotu kola - the famous plant from the forests of India and Madagascar. It contributes to the vascular wall, increases its elasticity, improves the regeneration of all types of tissue, where collagen is volkna; a positive effect on capillary blood flow, improves cell nutrition, has antispasmodic effects. For normal processes in the brain need to saturate the blood of enough nutrients and oxygen needed for vital functions of nerve cells. These substances are primarily amino acids that are actively involved in the exchange and the construction of nervous tissue: a glutamic acid, is the most important in ensuring the nerve cells of energy, and neutralizing ammonia - a toxic waste product of nervous tissue, B vitamins, vitamin C, which are coenzymes all energy processes in the cells of the nervous system.
Calendula drug contains carotenoids - beta-carotene, lycopene, flavoksatin, flavohrom. The total amount of carotenoids in the flower baskets is 3,1 mg% for the intensely colored inflorescence, 1.5 mg% - for a pale colored. Flower baskets contain essential oils, albumin, malic acid, alkaloids. In the inflorescences of calendula contain volatile and up to 2,678 mg% of ascorbic acid.
Vitamin A is soluble in fats. When vitamin A deficiency in humans there is loss of body weight, specific skin lesions, mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and respiratory system and eyes.
Characterized by loss of the eyeball - xerophthalmia, ie the development of dryness of the cornea, due to blockage of the lachrymal canal, the epithelium is also subject to keratinization. The eyeball is not washed by tears, which has antibacterial properties. As a consequence, developed an inflammation of the conjunctiva, swelling, ulceration and softening of the cornea. This disease is called keratomalyatsiya, it develops very quickly, sometimes within a few hours. Decay and softening of the cornea associated with the development of a purulent process, as well as putrefactive microorganisms in the absence of tear fluid are growing rapidly on the surface of the cornea.
BAD ART LIFE GLAZOROL possesses a strong antioxidant effect, improves the vascular wall, prevents thrombosis and improves visual function. Effect of the drug achieved at the expense of bioflavonoids, and beta-carotene, which have strong antioxidant properties and protect cells from damage by free radicals.
Given that GLAZOROL improves the course of metabolic processes and the state of the vascular system in the eye tissues, we turned it into a complex therapy with sclerotic macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, myopia of high to medium, cataract. The group surveyed included those with dependent diabetes with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, the initial stage - 19 patients (8 men and 11 women) patients with early "dry" form of sclerotic macular degeneration - 33 patients (16 men and 17 women). Just a group of 52 people. The patients' age from 45 to 58 years. Visual functions they have been lowered: from 20 visual acuity was 0,5-0,7 NK, 11 patients 0,35-0,4 NK, 10 people 0,25-0,3 N . since, in 8 patients and 3 0,1-0,2 0,05-0,09 people.
Patients complained about the distortion of objects. In the fundus have been significant changes, especially in the macular region, exudative lesions, a small number of retinal hemorrhages, microaneurysms. Patients with "dry" form of sclerotic macular degeneration in the macular region against dispigmentation observed mottling, flat yellowish foci and the disappearance of macular reflexes. 32 patients (study group) on a background of complex treatment received biologically active food supplements GLAZOROL in the form of capsules 1-2 times daily with meals for 30 days. If ingestion was well tolerated dietary supplements, no adverse reactions. Patients were examined at 15 and 30 days. Has an isometry with correction, biomicroscopy of the anterior segment eye fundus examination with cycloplegia. Also held control of blood pressure and blood count in the first day of the inspection and 30 days from start of treatment.
20 patients (control group) received conventional therapy. Patients of the first group 15 days after the appointment of a dietary supplement GLAZOROL marked improvement in vision, decrease the amount of solid exudative lesions, retinal hemorrhages and a decrease in floating haze. Improved vision was noted at an average of 48% of patients.
In the group of patients receiving conventional therapy, improvement of 15 days was observed in 32%. Less clearly seen improvement in the fundus in the form of edema, resorption of the exudates.
By the end of therapy in the group receiving GLAZOROL, visual acuity improved to 0.3 in 15 (46,8%), 0,5 at 6 (18,75%). In 11 persons (34,3%) vision improved to 0,1-0,2.
In the fundus observed decrease retinal edema, resorption of hard exudative lesions, resorption of retinal hemorrhages, microaneurysms decrease in the caliber of blood vessels become more uniform.
In the control group after 30 days was an improvement of at 0,1-0,2 in 13 patients (65%), in 4 people (20%) on 0,3 and 3 (15%) 0,5. At the control examination in the fundus remain isolated microaneurysms, slight retinal edema, distortion of objects is preserved, although less pronounced than before treatment.
Table ¹ 1 - Treatment in conjunction with the BAA
Initial visual acuity Number of patients At 0,1 - 0,2 On 0,3 0,5
0,05-0,09 2 0 1 1
0,1-0,2 5 1 2 2
0,25-0,3 3 1 2 0
0,35-0,4 5 1 4 0
0,5-0,7 17 8 6 3
Total 32 11 (34,3%) 15 (46,8%) 6 (18.75%)
Table ¹ 2 - Traditional Combination Therapy
Initial visual acuity Number of patients At 0,1 - 0,2 On 0,3 0,5
0,05-0,09 1 1 0 0
0,1-0,2 3 2 1 0
0,25-0,3 7 4 3 0
0,35-0,4 6 4 0 2
0,5-0,7 3 2 0 1
Total 20 13 (65%) 4 (20%) 3 (15%)
Another group of patients out of 10 people with various diseases of the eye: myopia moderate, destruction of the vitreous body, eye fatigue syndrome. Acuity with correction from 0,8-1,0 (within limits). After receiving the supplements for a month, patients reported a decrease of floating haze, a decrease in portable correction for myopia and significant reduction in visual fatigue. Also compared performance before and after taking supplements ART LIFE GLAZOROL noted improvement in general condition, increase efficiency, reduce fatigue.
1. Clinical trials of dietary supplement GLAZOROL showed its good tolerability, no side effects.
2. Using GLAZOROL improves visual acuity, a positive effect on trophic processes in the retina, can prevent the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy, retinal edema, and reduces the number of exudative lesions, reduces visual fatigue.
3. GLAZOROL to recommend individuals for a long time working at the computer, people with chronic fatigue syndrome, with varying degrees of myopia, patients with the destruction of the vitreous body, sclerotic makulodistofiey, diabetic retinopathy.
4. Recommended rate: 1 capsule 1-2 times a day for a month in the first half of the day, with a repeated course in 3-4 months.