Contraindications for use of essential oils

Essential oils

Despite the fact that many nonfiction books about essential oils and aromatherapy essential oils recommended for use by pregnant, this is not worth it. Many essential oils can cause abortion or adversely affect the fetus.

1. Pregnancy is a contraindication to the independent Uses essential oils. especially dangerous in this case, the essential oils from plants such as hyssop, cypress, coriander, cinnamon, lavender, marjoram, lemon balm, juniper, mint, parsley (seed), wormwood, wormwood pine, chamomile, rue, thyme , Thuja, fennel, sage.

2. Many essential oils have an effect on the hormonal system, which when used under medical supervision can to solve many health problems. But an independent application, especially for children, not recommended. Therapeutic and preventive measures for children may appoint a doctor. Before puberty is not recommended to use a separate essential oils from plants such as anise, geranium, marjoram;, jasmine, ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata), hyssop, cardamom, cypress, cinnamon, lemon balm, juniper, peppermint, neroli, rose, sandalwood, thyme, sage, medicinal, as well as from the resin of frankincense and myrrh.

3. Persons suffering from cardiovascular disease should consult a physician about the use of essential oils. Those who have suffered myocardial infarction and angina sufferers, do not use essential oils of pine and fir. In severe hypertension (high blood pressure) is not recommended to apply on their own essential oils of basil, juniper, spearmint. Individuals with lower blood pressure are not recommended essential oils of ylang-ylang (kanangovoe), lemon balm, tea tree oil.

4. Tzhelye kidney diseases - nephrosis, nefrozonefrit, complicated pyelonephritis - are contraindications for use of essential oils of juniper, thyme, and pine.

5. With epilepsy and seizure of alertness you can not use essential oils of basil, rosemary, thyme, sage drug.

6. When you receive drugs iodine and iron should not be used an essential oil of lavender.

7. Essential oils that contain coumarins and furokumariny, increase skin sensitivity to sunlight and ionizing radiation that can cause burns, fotodermatity and phototoxic reactions, so the essential oils of orange, marigold, bergamot, grapefruit, angelica, St. John's wort, lavender, lime (limetta) lemon, mandarin must not be applied to the skin for three hours before sun exposure.

8. You can not own, without consulting a doctor to use essential oils are strong steps: anise, bay leaf, clove leaf, ylang-ilangovoe, ginger, issopovoe, camphor, kardamonovoe, cedar, cinnamon bark, lavender kovshikovoy, lemongrassovoe, pepper, tansy, pimentovoe , wormwood, Rutaceae, thyme, cumin, Tuev, tysyachelistnikovoe, fenhelevoe, chaberovoe, tea tree, sage (medicinal), eucalyptus.

These warnings are associated with the presence of these essential oils of high content of ketones, or phenols. Uncontrolled use of these essential oils in the wrong doses can cause side effects: neurotoxicity (negative influence on the nervous system), embriotropny effect (dangerous during pregnancy), hepatotropic effects (abnormal liver function).

9. All essential oils before applying to the skin or inhalation should be tested on individual sensitivity. Especially recommended to conduct skin tests of essential oils from the leaves of clove, oregano, cinnamon bark and leaves of the tree, citronella, savory, thyme (thyme), because they can cause irritation .

To do this test dissolve in 1 ml of fatty oils (corn, olive, etc.) 1 drop of essential oil. Apply to wrist area 1-2 drops of the mixture, lightly rub and watch the skin condition during the day. If there is no redness, itching, swelling, then you can safely use this essential oil in such concentrations.

Prerequisite for the use of essential oils is an individual olfactory assessment: the smell must be pleasant, do not cause irritation of nose and respiratory tract. To test, apply 1 drop of essential oil or a composition (mixture) of essential oils on a piece of paper and inhale the aroma of a few times. Rate your state for 10-20 minutes.

Aromatherapist G. Bull writes: "Smells bring inspiration, health and inner harmony. Their effect can be exhilarating and refreshing, soothing and relaxing. With the smell you get rid of anger, distracted from worries, free from fear and pain. "

The famous French physician Jean Valenod, who has spent many years studying the healing properties of essential oils and medicinal plants, welcomed the decision by the World Health Organization about the revival of traditional medicine (1983). He said that "as many years in oblivion, aromatic oils , according to many researchers and physicians, today once again become the stars of the therapeutic horizon. "

Extensive experience of using essential oils for prevention and treatment of various diseases, improve emotional state. The rise and popularity of aromatherapy today - a surprisingly enjoyable method of treatment and prevention - the result of combining the experience gained from the earliest times, and modern scientific knowledge.

For a long time Soviet scientists conducted studies on the use of essential oils to create an enabling environment in space ships and submarines, to improve the immune defense, for the prevention of diseases. Now the results of these unique works are available. Are published scholarly and popular works of one of the heads of research of Professor VV Nikolaev.

The main advantage of using essential oils is a regulating effect - when a cure is not a separate organ, and whole body. Therapeutic and prophylactic effect is achieved extremely low concentrations.

The use of essential oils has a positive effect due to the inclusion in the body self-regulation mechanisms that can prevent disease, and chronic forms to achieve sustained improvement of health.

Spread in the air flying particles (fractions) of essential oils, getting into the body, may have the following effects:

• strong antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity of essential oils can compete with chemical preservatives (Antibiotics, sulfanil-amide drugs), since many essential oils have a more pronounced antiseptic properties, exceeding the similar properties of phenol (carbolic acid):

Neroli 5,5 times,

geraniums in 6,5 times,

carnations in 8,5 times,

Fennel 13 times

Thyme 25 times

Oregano 25 times;

• increase the body's resistance to disease and stress, stimulate the immune system;

• normalize the status of the body's cells;

• exert regulatory effects on enzyme systems: normalize their activity, improve metabolism;

• effect on fat metabolism, antisclerosic action. At a concentration of 0,1-0,2 mg / 1 m ³ inhaled air reduces the sclerotic manifestations, has an antioxidant effect;

• promote healthier internal environment, risk reduction allergization and increase resistance to various diseases and environmental hazards;

• activate metabolic processes in the liver, stimulate the kidneys, that is, promote the natural cleansing of the body of poisons.

With all the positive aspects of the therapeutic action of essential oils must be clearly remember the principle of "do no harm." The use of essential oils requires knowledge of permissible doses and concentrations, indications and contraindications. Therefore, before using essential oils it is desirable to see a doctor, the more so in our time, many doctors acknowledge and practice the techniques fitoaromaterapii.
The need for such consultation is also connected with the fact that many essential oils possess a wide spectrum of action, since they contain a large variety of biologically active substances. Creating the desired composition (mixture) of essential oils should be based on knowledge of their compatibility, not only by the nature of smell, but also on effects on the body. Thus, to create a composition should have the necessary quality, efficiency, reliability and safety.

