Biocomplex Cat Claw

Cat Claw Artlife

Many people cherish the fantastic yet plausible belief that nature is, of course, has created a versatile vegetable remedy, which should be sought somewhere in the depths of tropical forests, as yet untouched by civilization. It may be that we someday discover a mythical plant. But until then we have the Cat's Claw ...

• antioxidant (protective) effect on cell membranes, actively linking free radicals;
• stimulates different parts of the immune system, primarily neutrophils kislorodozavisimuyu microbicide, normalizes the level of immunoglobulins (antibodies), contributes to the destruction and removal of tissue and circulating immune complexes;
• possesses a strong antitumor effect through activation of cytotoxic functions of lymphocytes and macrophages;
• anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal effects;
• helps to normalize blood pressure and blood sugar level, slows the formation of cholesterol plaques, regulates the hormonal balance, indicators of the "red" blood, relieves symptoms of menopause;
• improves the rheological properties (fluidity) of blood circulation in the organs and prevents blood clots;
• has a moderate diuretic and choleretic effect, the rate-realizes the intestinal microflora;
• intensify the process of deleting (removing) the body of toxins, waste, protects the cells from the toxic effects of medicines, household and industrial poisoning, radiation damage.

For curative properties of cat's claw bark extract has surpassed such well-known plants such as echinacea, ginseng, shark cartilage, ant tree (pau Darko), Siberian ginseng, and others. Scientists have shown that the effectiveness of the extract of the bark of this wonderful Peruvian liana in many diseases caused by antioxidant (protective), anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties of its constituent mixture of highly active alkaloids.
The antitumor effect of extracts and preparations based on it provides izopteropodin alkaloid, which activates the function of T-killer cells, macrophages, and enhances the functional activity of neutrophils. Another active ingredient - glycoside glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizic acid are able to block virus replication in cells due to disruption of synthesis of DNA and RNA, proanthocyanidins, also included in the bark extract plant, being one of the strongest natural antioxidants, blocking free radical processes in the body, polyphenols, triterpenes and sterols increase the effect of Cat's Claw as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic (protivomutagennoe) action, and alkaloid rinkofillin improves blood rheology, reducing the likelihood of blood clots in the bloodstream.
For many centuries the Peruvian Indians used the bark and roots of the vines stselyu protect the body and get rid of various diseases. The name of this unique and one of the longest in the world of plants - Cats Claw-made thin, curved spines, similar to cat's paws to allow the vine to climb out of the dark rain forest to the sun. Numerous studies have shown marked recent decades, the integrated curative effect of the extract Cat's Claw bark diseases of the immune and digestive systems, metabolic and hormonal imbalance, viral and bacterial infections, treatment and prevention of benign and malignant lesions, arthritis, asthma and other famous naturopaths propose to use drugs from Cat's Claw as an alternative to aspirin for preventing thrombotic agent and prevention of cardiovascular events.
Dr. R. Gerber emphasizes that the drugs from the bark of Uncaria tomensota have very low toxicity even when taken in large doses, patients suffering from inflammatory diseases of the joints and does not tolerate traditional medicines for many, GOVERNMENTAL side effects they cause.
Dr. Orlando Garcia has received positive results from the WHO. Cat's Claw bark of patients with a variety of. eases, while he found that Cat's Claw interacts synergistically with vitamin C and much better reduces the side effects accompanying chemotherapy. The author of this handbook for more than ten years of use in the practice of the healing properties of plants, increasing its effects are complex enzymes, vitamins C, E, selenium.
International symposium, held under UN auspices in 2000, called Cat's Claw as an important component of anticancer diet.
So, Cat's Claw - truly a botanical treasure, which has perhaps even greater value than originally before. Dr. Klaus Keplinger, resigned, which opened in 1974 for the Europeans the value of this tropical plant. According to Dr. Davis, Brest,

Cat Claw

- is a world-class plant capable of gain and treat the underlying pathology, speeding up the healing process in conjunction with the accompanying therapies.

• Different types of viral infections (combined treatment of viral hepatitis, chlamydia, herpes infection, HIV infection);
• acute and chronic inflammatory processes in different locations;
• A variety of technological, consumer, and medicinal intoxication, poisoning, and radiation and chemotherapy;
• immunodeficiency states of various origins;
• bronchial asthma, various allergies and immunopatii;
• Comprehensive treatment of malignant tumors, benign tumors (fibroadenoma, uterine, prostate adenoma, cysts in various organs, leukemia, malignant tumors);
• dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes mellitus;
• inflammatory and inflammatory-degenerative diseases of joints and soft tissue (rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, synovitis, myositis, etc.);
• disease of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer and duodenum, dysentery, enterocolitis, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis), candidiasis, intestinal dysbiosis, parasites;
• premenstrual syndrome, menstrual irregularities, abnormal menopause;
• inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in men and women;
• eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin became ill;
• disturbances of venous circulation, varicose veins, hemorrhoids;
• can also be used for acute and chronic emotional stress, asthenic-depressive conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome;
• performed well during the "cleansing" programs and programs in the correction of weight;
• can be applied topically as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hemostatic agent for burns, wounds, ulcers, purulent processes, athlete, conjunctivitis, etc.
