
Infectious diseases have long been known to man. In the early twentieth century, these diseases were the main cause of death: for example, in the U.S. first place in the structure of death took the flu and pneumonia and other infections were holding the fourth position. Despite the development of medical sciences, modern society still can not rule out infection of the causes of mortality.

Mortality from community-acquired pneumonia in the United States from 1980 to 1992 increased by 20% - from 25 to 30 per 100 000 population, and the analysis for the period from 1979 to 1994 - by 59%.

In Russia, the figure for the period from 1997 to 1999 increased from 15.6 to 20.9 per 100 000 population. In St. Petersburg from 1986 to 1996 - from 8.1 to 18.3, while in the Republic of Tatarstan for the period 1989-2000. mortality from pneumonia increased by 6,4 times

Every year, every family is facing acute respiratory diseases, accompanied by fever. This usually happens in the season to increase the activity of viral infection, but not always, ends with the disease by contact with the virus and its removal from the body. Often associated bacterial agent, or against a viral infection occurs exacerbation of chronic infectious diseases,

In order to avoid the consequences of increased body temperature during an acute inflammatory disease, you should:
Excessive drinking
Mode appropriate health
Support the body with vitamins, antioxidants, substances that increase the effectiveness of treatment and remove the side effects.


Complex "Ivlaksin" from Artlife has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic effect, is effective in the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases, exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes, including those associated with an increased body temperature. 

Slide 6 and 7. The combination of antipyretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of the active ingredients of "Ivlaksin helps improve the efficiency of traditional methods of treatment of inflammatory diseases - on the table.

Composition of the bioactive complex Ivlaksin:





Anti-inflammatory, wound healing, pain


Mild expectorant and emollient


Astringent, diuretic, hemostatic, immunostimulatory


Diaphoretic, expectorant, sanifying upper respiratory tract


Anti-inflammatory, immunocorrective, expectorant, antitussive

Vitamin C

Antioxidant, sosudoukreplyayuschee


Diuretic, antibacterial, disinfectant


Diuretic, antitoxic, stimulating tissue regeneration


Diaphoretic, antipyretic





The effectiveness of the complex is clinically proved: he was appointed 12 patients focal left-sided pneumonia (5 men, 7 women) aged 32 to 44 years, 10 patients with SARS (6 men, 4 women) aged 18 to 41 years. All patients received "Ivlaksin" in a hospital under the supervision of internal medicine residents SSMU.

Complex "Ivlaksin" administered in conjunction with basic therapy (according to generally accepted standards of treatment).

The control group consisted of 15 patients similarly randomized by gender and age who received only pharmacological agents.

Complex "Ivlaksin" reduces the severity and duration of fever. So, if in the control group it was 7.6 days in the group where patients received "Ivlaksin", has been less duration of 5.1 days. It should be noted that in the case of SARS BAA showed a somewhat more pronounced antipyretic activity (Fig.) that affect the shape of the temperature curve. Perhaps for this category of patients the beneficial effect of the ingredients found antiexudative complex supplement "Ivlaksin.




Fig. 1 Temperature curves in patients with acute respiratory disease who took supplements "Ivlaksin and control groups during the first 8 days of therapy. Note A: focal pneumonia; B: SARS.

"Ivlaksin" reduced hematologic toxicity primary therapy increases the rate of positive dynamics of the disease, supports the functional activity of parts of the immune system responsible for the resistance of the infectious agent





Fig. Hematological parameters of patients with acute respiratory illness in patients receiving complex Ivlaksin "

Existing today generally accepted standards for the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases to date are not effective enough, hence the inclusion in their treatment of the impact of additional systems shown to be effective and well tolerated, is extremely important. The results obtained allow to recommend the complex Ivlaksin "as an adjunct to standard treatment of acute inflammatory diseases. So say experts

This is not surprising - after all scientifically based combination of active ingredients of "Ivlaksin" has not only allows you to effectively reduce the severity of fever, but also to support anti-organism resources, to provide full resistance to infection, prevent the colonization and transition of inflammation in the chronic course.

Indications for use of the complex is the presence of the following states:

· colds and infectious diseases bronchopulmonary

· inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

· pain and intoxication syndromes of different etiology

· urinary system diseases

· pathology of bones and joints, including gout

· disease of the liver and biliary tract

· nonspecific immunoprophylaxis and immunorehabilitation
