The protein-cereal cocktail Amino Active

The action of the protein-cereal cocktail Amino Active seeks to maintain the amino acid and vitamin and mineral balance in the body during weight loss, normalization of metabolism.
The protein-cereal cocktail Amino Active → Buy

  300 gr


The action of the protein-cereal cocktail «Amino Active» seeks to maintain the amino acid and vitamin and mineral balance in the body during weight loss, normalization of metabolism and support the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The protein-cereal cocktail Amino Active is an additional source of iron, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C.

Soy proteinpo its amino acid profile more closely matches the needs of man. Its value is the maximum possible and in fact equivalent to animal protein. Distinctive qualities of soy proteins is that they help the body comfortably to reduce body weight, as contributing to muscle mass, drove out the fat. The consumption of soy protein appears full sense of fullness, reduces cravings for sweet foods. 
Glucose - one of the key products of metabolism, cell provides quick energy, instantly enters the blood and is involved in energy processes of the body.
Corn flakes and wheat bran is a source of fiber, have a marked influence of sorption, improve intestinal motility and a positive effect on the state of its normal flora.
Linoleic Acid Tonalin-natural fatty acid that helps balance the fat and muscle mass.
Lecithin improves the metabolism of fat and supports the nervous system.
Medium chain triglyceride compensate the body's need for fatty acids, are involved in the creation of the effect of satiety, and thus, unlike other lipids are not deposited as excess fat tissue. 
Soluble dietary fiber NUTRIOSEobladayut exceptional nutritional characteristics. They are not only positively affect the gastrointestinal tract, but also can reduce the caloric content of products and cause a gradual release of energy. 
Plantain has anti-inflammatory and shielding effects, contains useful mucus, which helps to regenerate the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.
Lactulose restores the functioning of the normal microflora, supports what the intestinal digestion and absorption provides many nutrients (vitamins, trace elements), and stimulates intestinal peristalsis.
L-Taurine improves energy metabolism in the body, the use of fats in the energy cycle, lowers blood cholesterol levels.
Iron is involved in redox processes, is a part of many enzymes and proteins.
Vitamins (C, A, B3, B2, B6, B1, B9, B12) enhances immunity, supports the balance of the nervous system and serve as catalysts of metabolic processes.
Protein-cereal cocktail «Amino Active» is an energy product. His success can be used as an additional element normal diet, and as a replacement of one or two meals. In the fasting days, you can use cocktail «Amino Active» as a complete basis for mono-diet. In addition, this functional product will not replace for people actively involved in fitness or other sports. A cocktail should be taken immediately before and / or immediately after a workout in 30-60 minutes - this helps to recover quickly, as well as enhance the metabolic processes that need to go to fat to muscle. 
Ingredients: fructose, soy protein, glucose, soybean fiber Promix, dietary fiber Nutrioza wheat, corn flakes, instant inulin Fibrulin, conjugated linoleic acid Tonalin, wheat bran, medium chain triglyceride DeliosSpowder, lecithin, thickener Stabilan (dietary fiber), food flavoring, lactulose extract, plantain, L-taurine, pyrophosphate of iron, vitamins: C, A, B3, B2, B6, B1, B9, B12.

Nutritional value of 40 g of dry product:
Proteins 7,5 g 
Glutamine 1.32 g 
asparagine 0.79 g 
Phenylalanine + Tyrosine * 0,6 
Leucine * 0.59 g 
Arginine 0,45 g 
Lysine * 0.47 g 
Valine * 0.37 g 
proline 0.38 g 
Isoleucine * 0.36 g 
Serine 0.36 g 
methionine + cystine * 0.104 g 
alanine 0.308 g 
Threonine * 0,32 g 
glycine 0.26 g 
histidine 0.17 g 
cysteine 0,1 g 
Tryptophan * 0,1 g 
L-Taurine 0,12 g 
Fats 8,4 g 
Medium chain triglyceride 0,5 g 
Conjugated linoleic acid 0,5 g 
Carbohydrates 17.46 g 
Dietary Fiber 2.82 g 
lecithin (phospholipids) 0,5 g 
lactulose 0,2 g 
Vitamin C 21 mg 
vitamin PP  6.0 mg 
riboflavin  0.54 mg 
Vitamin B6  0,6 mg 
Vitamin B1  0.45 mg 
Vitamin A  0,3 mg 
Vitamin B9  0,06 mg 
cyanocobalamin  0.9 mcg

* - essential amino acids
Energy value of 40 g of dry product: 176.34 Kcal
Does not contain GMOs.

Probiotic cocktail Probio Active

How to use:
  20 g (2 tbsp) of powder to pour into a glass, add a bit of cold boiled water or milk, dissolve the powder to a smooth consistency and add while stirring the remaining amount of liquid (at the rate of 20 g per 80-100 ml of liquid). For the formation of thick savory foam is best for cocktails to use a mixer.

Is the medicine:

  fructose, soy protein, glucose, soybean fiber Promix, dietary fiber Nutrioza wheat, corn flakes, instant inulin Fibrulin, conjugated linoleic acid Tonalin, wheat bran, medium chain triglyceride DeliosSpowder, lecithin, thickener Stabilan (dietary fiber), food flavoring, lactulose, an extract plantain, L-taurine, pyrophosphate of iron, vitamins: C, A, B3, B2, B6, B1, B9, B12.
