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Why use anabolics

, 09:55
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The man from time immemorial paid great attention to his body, creating a certain cult of the body, even in everyday life and cultD as a whole. Body Culture in Ancient Greece was one of the upper and storylines in shaping the culture of the time. Moreover, the fact none the ancient Olympic Games did not do without "competition" bodybuilders - athletic men (it should be recalled that such equality between men and women, as it is now if there is noovalo and women are not allowed to participate in competitions), demonstrating its trained muscular body. Today, this movement is as popular (and perhaps even more popular) and reached a whole new level thanks to the development of science, technology, and in this case - pharmacology. Various pharmacological and dietary products todaywidely used in bodybuilding and sports in general, in order to improve results, the effectiveness of training, shorten the recovery of the body after them. The main stumbling block in any strength training is a basic regulatory mechanisms in the human body - nitrogen balance.


The nitrogen balance - the ratio between the amount of nitrogen entering the body (eg, food) and released in the process of life. The first nitrogen group performs creative as involved in anabolic processes (in particular, the growth of muscle tissues and structures), and the second - in somedestructive way, being the basis of catabolic processes (destruction of structures with the release of amino acids). Therefore, the effectiveness of any weight training (which, incidentally, is the basis for any builder or bodybuilder), and the visible effect of it is stored until the positive nitrogen balance is maintained, that is predominatedgive the anabolic processes. Otherwise, any training (regardless of their shape and intensity) will not absolutely no effect, because they can promote anabolism. For these purposes in the modern bodybuilding widely used anabolic steroids that stimulate anabolic processes, so ckazat, outside. By the way, you can buy these drugs using

What are anabolic steroids?

This type of steroid medications, also known as anabolics, operates on the principle of imitation of activity of male sex hormones (testosterone, digidrotestosteron). Their use greatly increases the production of protein compounds at the cellular level, which is the key effect of hypertrophy of muscle structures (in other words - strong growth and an increase in muscle).

Types of anabolic steroids

All anabolic steroid preparAta in pharmaceutical practice can be divided into two main groups according to the degree of expression of function:

  • In fact, anabolic that promotes muscle growth;
  • The androgenic - caused an increase in androgenic activity.

In practice, any anabolic combines andthose other qualities with the leash except that the degree of severity is different.


Using anabolic steroids in sports practice, it is necessary to give preference to those who have a strong anabolic activity with minimal expression of androgen, whichI'm the cause of all the side effects.


The man from time immemorial paid great attention to his body, creating even a certain cult of the body in everyday life and culture in general. The culture of the body in ancient Greece usedyla one of the upper and storylines in shaping the culture of the time. Moreover, the fact none the ancient Olympic Games did not do without "competition" bodybuilders - athletic men (it should be recalled that such equality between men and women, as now did not exist and women are not allowed to participate in sorevConsiderations), demonstrating its trained muscular body. Today, this movement is as popular (and perhaps even more popular) and reached a whole new level thanks to the development of science, technology, and in this case - pharmacology. Various pharmacological and dietary products are now widely used in bodybuilding and sports in tsescrap, in order to increase the results, the effectiveness of training, reduce recovery time of the body after them. The main stumbling block in any strength training is a basic regulatory mechanisms in the human body - nitrogen balance.

Why need steroids?

The nitrogen balance - the ratio between the amount of ingested nitrogen (such as food), and emitted in the process of life. The first nitrogen group performs creative, as is involved in anabolic percentessah (in particular, the growth of muscle tissue and structures), and the second - a kind of destructive, being the basis of catabolic processes (destruction of structures with the release of amino acids). Therefore, the effectiveness of any weight training (which, incidentally, is the basis for any builder or bodybuilder), and the visible effect of her sohranyaetsI'm to the point where to maintain a positive nitrogen balance, that is dominated by anabolic processes. Otherwise, any training (regardless of their shape and intensity) will not absolutely no effect, because they can promote anabolism. For these purposes in the modern bodybuilding widely used anaboliccal steroids that stimulate anabolic processes, so to speak, from the outside. By the way, you can buy these drugs using the site

What are anabolic steroids? < / strong>

This type of steroid medications, also known as anabolics, operates on the principle of imitation of activity of male sex hormones (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone). Their application significantly increases the level of production of protein compounds cellular level, which is the key effect of gipertrofii muscular structures (in other words - strong growth and an increase in muscle).

Types of anabolic steroids

All anabolic steroids in pharmacologycal practice can be divided into two main groups according to the severity of functions:

· & nbsp ;               Actually, anabolic that promotes muscle growth;

· & nbsp ;               The androgenic - caused an increase in androgenic activity.

In practice, any AnabolIR combines those and other qualities to the leash except that the degree of severity is different.


Using anabolic steroids in sports practice, it is necessary to give preference to those who have a strong anabolic activity with minimal expression of androgen, which is the cause of all side effects.

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Author: Artlife
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