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< p style = "text-align: left;"> Herpes Simplex (Gr. ? ρ π η ς - creeping, Eng. Simplex - simple) (eng. Cold sores) - a chronic relapsing anthroponotic pathology caused by human herpes virus types 1 and 2 (GVL-1 and GVL-2 and   HSV-1 and HSV -2) which directly flows localized with vezikuloznimi rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, & nbsp ; or multiple organ lesions.
disease colloquially called & la wrongquo; fever & raquo ;, there is also incorrect name « fever on the lips & raquo ;. In the English-speaking world it is also known as the English. fever blisters - « frantic bubbles & raquo ;. The term « Herpes » or « herpes infection » historically used only to determine the lips and genital lesions caused by gerpEU human viruses types 1 and 2.
references about herpes reach the time of Hippocrates, who watched the characteristic rash on the lips and oral mucosa in combination with high temperatures and called them « cold sores & raquo ;. The Roman Emperor Tiberius banned kissing in Rome in connection with the fact that many people have blisters onlips. At the same time an outstanding Roman encyclopedist Aulus Cornelius Celsus, known for his work in medicine, offered these bubbles burn with a hot iron. In the XVI century. W. Shakespeare tragedy « Romeo and Juliet » He noted that there are bubbles « on the lips will give & raquo ;. The term « Herpes » in medicine has been known since the fundamental paBots English physician R. Bolton "system rational and practical surgery » (1713). Then, the doctor of the French king Jean Astruc described the typical rash in the genital area (« genital herpes »), which have been so common among prostitutes, these are called & laquo ; occupational disease Women ».

The mechanisms and modes of transmission

HSV is transmitted by various transfer mechanisms:

  • droplets (aerosol);
  • contact, including sexually;
  • the fecal-oral;
  • Vertical;
  • bloodborne, including, and in organ transplantation.

For aerosol transmission of herpes infection need close contact due to the fact that the virus is unstable to dry. Therefore, the transmission is stronger in the presence of HSV in the saliva. Intensively transmitted infection through contact minimally damaged skin or mucous membranes, including the polo. Penetration most proigoes in the mouth, nasal area, through the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane of the mouth, genitals, cervix and others.

Receptive troops and immunity

The susceptibility of people is very high, however, often observed asymptomatic carriage of the virus or few symptoms directly form of the disease. In areas of temperate latitudescharacterized by an increase in the number of people with active herpes simplex manifestations in the autumn-winter period.
Viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membranes.   Infections caused by the herpes simplex virus [herpes simplex ()], in which the release:

  • Herpetic eczema;
  • Herpetic vesicular derMatit;
  • Herpetic   faringotonzillit and gingivostomatit;
  • Herpetic   encephalitis, meningitis;
  • Herpetic eye disease;
  • Herpetic disseminated disease;
  • The forms of herpes infections, including hepatitis and felon.

Unspecified   herpes infections

« infections that are transmitted mainly through sexual » included « anogenital   infection [herpes simplex] contains in itself:
genital infections and urinary tract;
prianalnyh Herpetic infections of the skin and rectum;
Anogenital herpes infections,that   unknown.

Author: Artlife
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