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Treatment of laser

, 18:30
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Vision - is an amazing gift of nature to mankind. Healthy eyes need to be protected! But the benefits of science are not a hundredIT in place and advanced technologies make it possible to improve the lost vision. Here comes to the rescue. By the way, in Kharkov, laser vision correction, can be carried out in the "OK Center" Armen Prokiptsa Tarasovich - head of the center and a leading surgeon. Also, the laser enables to treat various eye diseases. So eye examination performed bykeratoavtorefraktometra, which allows to determine the structure of the eye and helps to more accurately select the glasses, contact lenses, intraocular lens, used ultrasound scanner AB AVISO, which determines the size of the eye, lets you see the intraocular tumor or retinal detachment.

cataract surgery hospitalis performed using the method fakoemussifikatora fakoemulsifikatsii with implantation of a soft intraocular lens. This is - the gold standard in ophthalmology. The operation is minimally traumatic and safe, it is conducted through micro-incision as small as 2 mm, which was then self-sealing. This is the main and most important difference between the phacoemulsifikatsii other techniques that are performed with a wide incision and sutures.          

The use of laser in the treatment of    

In 2014, in a number of hospital departments embodied in the practice of surgery using surgical lasers. If earlier a disease issecondary cataract operated on the operating table, although a small but eye-section, now runs the operation is completely painless and without opening his eyes.

Also on laser equipment is performed iridectomy angle-closure glaucoma and modern treatment of open angle glaucoma - SLT procedure (selective lasertion trabeculoplasty). The essence of this method consists in that by selective laser action on the pigment cells of the anterior chamber angle is activation of macrophages and, consequently, improves gidrotsirkulyatsiya intraocular fluid and decreases the intraocular pressure in an average of 6-8 mm Hg.

Showsiyami to this procedure are:

  • primary open-angle glaucoma or narrow-angle glaucoma;
  • postuvealna glaucoma;
  • afakicheskaya glaucoma;
  • lack of effectiveness of drug therapy;
  • the use of more than 2 antihypertensive drugs to achieve a tolerant IOP;
  • the presence of contraindications to the use of antihypertensive drugs;
  • poor results of surgical treatment.


This treatment is very effective in the early stages of glaucoma and is therefore one of the priorities of ophthalmic services each hospital is to detect glaucoma early. And for this we need not only good people, but also high-tech, and unfortunately expensive equipment, such as apparatus of optical coherentnoy tomography which allows to diagnose the pathological changes of the retina at the stage where they are not visible during normal ophthalmoscopy. At the present time, all equipment, without which it is impossible to conceive of providing high quality care to our population is in the lease and must be given to means of phirmam.

On the day care towards children's ophthalmologist performed hardware treatment of children. For the treatment of children using such devices as Ambliokor, apparatus « Creek & raquo ;, « & raquo ;, Ambliopanorama akomodotrener, various computer programs, therapeutic laser. This equipment helps in the treatment of fordiseases in children like:

  • spasm of accommodation;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • squint;
  • amblyopia.

Thus, in every city weher country is committed to the number of people suffering from visual impairment, and even more from blindness, as small as possible to ensure that our patients receive eye care at international standards.


Author: Artlife
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