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Luxury Maternity

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First struck us that, despite all the economic difficulties, the birth rate in the country is increasing nIn comparison with the same period last year. Despite the fact that under the Constitution we have a free treatment, all have long known that in practice this idea for a long time does not correspond to reality. Meager financing makes the hospital to ask pregnant women to buy all the necessary preparations for the delivery by yourself. In this kind of city pharmaciesyl package is worth a lot if pregnant needs a caesarean section - the cost of the package is somewhat higher. However, to cesareans doctors are cautious and do them only as a last resort, of the opinion that the process of birth of a child should be as natural. For the same reasons, it is not advised to teach babies to the nipples fromwhich may even change the bite. If the mother can not feed the baby yourself, it is best to feed him from a cup. By the way, the portal on child health "VashPediatr": You can find all that concerns children's health.

Support for women during childbirth

In recent years, she has spreadsome phenomenon, the presence of men in the labor and other close relatives of pregnant women. Those who wish to help women in the difficult process of birth, should definitely visit the classes of the school of paternity in which they are introduced to the theory of labor, teach proper handling during them.

Should Know

Zdorove pregnant women is of great concern - 95% of mothers showing signs of anemia. As a result, only 12% of all births take place without complications, and the percentage of healthy newborns - miserable. According to doctors, the normal course of pregnancy only heals the woman's body, but that the woman should actively take care of your wellrd, which depends on the child's health.

What you need to do so your child is born healthy?

  • First of all, every pregnancy should be planned and desired. Before pregnancy a woman should get healthier, if necessary, to treat teeth, kidneys;
  • Both buduschim parents advisable to undergo a full medical examination - to make sure that their bodies do not have any infections;
  • It should be as soon as possible to register, see your doctor regularly and steadily carry out its installation;
  • Avoid the use of alcohol and nicotine, avoidingbe noisy companies, to restrict sexual activity;
  • For the development of aesthetic inclinations baby pregnant women are recommended to listen to soft music, read positive books, go to museums, theaters;
  • To save the figure expectant mothers should keep to a diet, a lot of moving, do fPhysically and exercises to prepare the body for motherhood.

What are the names of the children of today are the most popular?

As for the name, which give children today, then there is a tendency to observe the traditions of the church calendar - the child is often called by the name of the saint on whose day he was born, andalso for the return of a purely Ukrainian name - common names become Nazar, Bogdan, Sofia, Daria, Alexander, straw, Catherine, Diane. As before, children are often called Victoria, Irina, Maksimov, Elena, Vadim, rarely Ivanov, Marina, Valeria, Lydia. There are some interesting names - Mark, Eva, Adeline, Regina, Bozena, Aelita, Anna Maria, DaniEl Fatima. During recording, the names on the birth certificate is often necessary to convince parents to observe the rules of Ukrainian grammar. Some parents insist that a child wrote, for example, Christina, and Christina NOT Nikita and Nikita, despite the fact that the Ukrainian dictionaries and references of names, which are guided by professionalsRegistrar, such names are not available. Sometimes it « wins » spelling, sometimes stubborn parents, but in this case the certificate is written note - the name given at the request of the parents.


We hope that our conversation was not scared of future fighters for the improvement of the demographic situation in the country,which first of all wish courage and health for children and their mothers.

Author: Artlife
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