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History stanovlenia compan Hudora

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History compan “Hodara” to bring, scho traditions that Nawaz not what vzaimovyruchki for uspshnomu development. For data 2014 R. analso rynkowa Kon'yunkturi ucture conducted domou amerikanskoy company NPD Group, sportive, grow rozvazhal products “Hodara” what one s naybilsh of predavani in Low. Company «Hodara’ s great ldir vdrives in the areas virobnictva Kovzan, scutaru, skateboard, children maydanchik. By the way, in Russia Hudora products can pridbati .


Yak all pocidalo?

  • 1919 year. 4. August in Radevormwald, Germany Bula had founded the company “Hodara" Yak simulate virobnictva Kovzan. Hugo Dorst, zasnovnik compan, native , for purshia larami svogo imeni I. micta zasnuvannya - HUgo DOrnseif, RAdevormwald, ie HUDORA;
  • 1926 year. Pristroeni winnik Hugo Dorns Robit Revolucii PRORIV have virobnictvo Kovzan, presenting Perche “only Konik” Novo design Kovzan scho Ob do the Uragan s cherevik. W tsogo time I rock up to 1990, becoming postachalnik sports inventory nathani CIM vakrita mineralnih Pravda nemeckih sportsmen, world League journal zolotih medalist s plumage katana, such as: Dagmar Pratt / Lurtz, Hans-j?rgen Baumler, Norbert Schramm, Katarina VT, RWD CERN, the company «Hodara” swatko triumph for triumph together with the great Peremoga sportsmen on mineralnih mahannah, Championships Wrapi Ampush grah. After Drogo Swova wine “Hodara” usta in Novyi Shliakh. Rolikov kausani stout duzhe populyarnymi first tatrabanka. Zastosuvannya novih materials I novacii rsing much smut design of rolikovy Kovzan s plinom hour;
  • 1980 year. Rolikovy boom bocinas together with innovations from Hudora: rolikov kouzani have wiggled ballistic cherevik from stationary zakreplennymi manevrenen frames s great yakimi m wheels. Also z are skateboard s doskow, wykonany z plastic or laminowanie tree to velichutina wheels cilindrico formation;
  • 1990 year. 10 years by rolikov kausani nabuwat zvicinou today scheme roztashuvannya cols 1-well LNU. The company Hudora - 1-s Perche in Low propane nlin videos I nezabarom Sigma 20 % rinku in this segment;
  • 1997 year. Hudora restructure sviy plan distribut, digit rossici assortment segment of children grashok, and also goods for the holding of ranomena I Zivago leisure (sport, Igor, roswag), Ladyhawke people on an active vidpochinok;
  • 1999 year. The company Hudora wasnich 80 rokiv s day zasnuvannya. At sweeya yvelani year family zasnovnik compan pereida. in Remscheid in Nov primmest s great showroom I strategiczne will srochnom mstem roztashuvannya, bezposredni blizkost from autotrace A1;
  • year 2000. Samarati boom koplo all Nmachine. Specalizes on stvoren Kovzan I roliku, the company Hudora produjo sviy strnky rozvytok, sluuty mnlink trends rinku. Have spitrit s unversiteta Wuppertal ‘Hodara” rozrobka I patentu scooter ‘s great wheels”, zi skladnik mehanna scho zabezpiecze easier skladanny I visoku stupni BEZPEKA. Scooter zi skladnik mehanna from “Hodara” STA htm prodaju middle alumni samokat;
  • 2001 year. The results of tests, oublie in the 04/2001 issue journal square institutu za tests quality tovariv, Stiftung Warentest, scooter “Hudora s great wheel" well "Grasim scooter”, peregi vsih konkurentu in borotbi for this high title. Have context provedeno once products and modnich, Stiftung Warentest Buli VBR Vier naybilsh popular scooter. Virobi actualise profesijnij experts that dovey scooter-riders. Criteria conducted by testowania steel: vikonannya, manevrennost, BEZPEKA I nososticta. Scooter “Hudora s great wheels” Atria very Accu “good” for the better vikonannya, minimalni SNES cols, visoko sticksthe, horos Galma, and the best poradnik s exploits s usih konkurentu;
  • the 2002 year. The results of tests, oublie in the 05/2002 issue of the magazine of Stiftung Warentest, zasobi Zahist od Hudora trimout very Accu “good” for naikrashe spowderhorn prices I quality. Bomann zasobi Zahist, rotable spline s prodname podiatrists - nastupni CROC for zabezpechennya BEZPEKA at vicorian of rolikovy Kovzan, skateboard I samokat. Nalokotniki nakani srochno anatase formation, not stickout ruhv when h vicorian, vicodan iz zastosuvannya pachlatko tkaniny CoolMax, zavdyaki yaky scra “dija”, salissa dry I don't peregrevaetsya. Zavdyaki more slname palagano I special neponimaju stink nadins, than twicein zasobi Zahist, overhaul from Mogilevich poskozeni I parapin pid hour padni.

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