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New! Cocktails from ArtLife!

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Many experts believe that during the diet is necessary to maintain the level of protein higher than average. Reducing calorie intake should come from saturated fats and carbohydrates, but not at the expense of proteins.

A special place among the products - sources of protein - is soy. The value of soy protein is as possible and in fact is equivalent to animal protein, while in its amino acid profile of soy protein more precisely meet the needs of man. The distinctive qualities of soy proteins is that they help the body comfortably reduce body weight, as well as contribute to muscle mass ousting fat. If consumption of soy protein appears full sense of fullness and reduces craving for sweet foods.

New functionality cocktails ArtLife are a source of high quality easily digestible soy protein for a balanced amino acid composition. Used in the preparation of the protein contains a large amount of minerals in the form of biousvoyaemoy and vitamins B, D and E. Cocktails Amino Active and Probio Active - this is no ordinary monobelkovye mixture, and integrated products that solve the problem of the rationalization of diet at different levels.

Protein cereal cocktail Amino Active

Effects of protein-grass cocktails Amino Active aimed at maintaining the amino acid and vitamin and mineral balance in the body during weight loss, normalizing metabolism and support the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The product is an additional source of iron, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, S.

Soy protein in its amino acid profile more accurately meet the needs of man. Its value is the maximum possible and in fact is equivalent to animal protein. If consumption of soy protein appears full sense of fullness, reduces craving for sweet foods.
Glucose - one of the key products of metabolism, cell provides quick energy, immediately enters the bloodstream and is involved in energy processes of the organism.
Corn flakes and wheat bran is a source of fiber, have a pronounced adsorption effects, improve intestinal motility and has a positive impact on the state of his normoflory.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid Tonalin - natural fatty acid, a potential tool for reducing fat mass and achieve a harmonious figure. Long-term clinical studies have confirmed that the use of conjugated linoleic acid in the diet leads to a steady decline in adipose tissue while preserving muscle mass of the body.
Lecithin improves metabolism of fat and supports the nervous system.
Srednetsepochechnye triglycerides compensate body's need for fatty acids, are involved in the creation of «satiety effect» and at the same time unlike other lipids are not deposited in the form of excess fat tissue.
Soluble dietary fiber NUTRIOSE have exceptional nutritional properties. They are not only positively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but also allow to reduce the caloric content of the product and cause the gradual release of energy.
Plantain has anti-inflammatory and protective action, contains useful mucus, which contributes to the regeneration of the mucous of the gastrointestinal tract.
Lactulose restores the functioning of the normal microflora than supports the intestinal digestion and absorption provides many nutrients (vitamins, trace elements), and stimulates intestinal peristalsis.
L-Taurine improves energy metabolism in the body, the use of fats in the energy cycle, lowers blood cholesterol.
Iron is involved in redox processes, is a part of many enzymes and proteins.
Vitamins (C, A, B3, B2, B6, B1, B9, B12), enhances immunity, supports the balance of the nervous system and serve as catalysts of metabolic processes.

Protein cereal cocktail Amino Active is energy-intensive products. His success can be used as an additional element of customary diet, as well as replacement of one or two meals. In the fasting days, you can use cocktail Amino Active as a complete basis for mono-diet. This functional product will not substitute for people who are actively involved in fitness or other sports.
A cocktail should be taken immediately before and / or immediately after a workout in 30-60 minutes - this helps the body recover quickly, as well as enhance the metabolic processes that need to go to fat mass in the muscle.

Cocktail probiotic Probio Active

Probiotic cocktail Probio Active will help compensate for the lack of probiotic and prebiotic components in the diet and to restore the gut microflora. Included cocktail Probio Active components have a soft sorption and physiologically beneficial effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, improves liver function. Ideal product to replace the evening meal.


Bifidobacterium accelerate the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, fat, crude fiber destroy, stimulate the intestinal peristalsis, are involved in the synthesis and absorption of vitamins, facilitate the synthesis of essential amino acids stimulate the synthesis of immunoglobulins, and reduce the permeability of tissue barriers to toxic products of pathogens.
Soy protein in its amino acid profile more accurately meet the needs of man. Its value is the maximum possible and in fact is equivalent to animal protein. The distinctive qualities of soy proteins is that they help the body comfortably reduce body weight, as well as contribute to muscle mass ousting fat. If consumption of soy protein appears full sense of fullness, reduces craving for sweet foods.
Insoluble dietary fiber (fiber from rice and oat flakes, beet fiber) will speed up the promotion of food by the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate intestinal motility and contribute to the normalization of stool.
Soluble dietary fiber (gum arabic, Grinstead, beet pectins) have a pronounced sorption effect, cleans the intestine microvilli, tie and deduce from the gastrointestinal tract, excess fats and harmful metabolites, eliminate Fermentation, putrefaction processes that contribute to improving the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract and optimize digestion and absorption of food.
Soluble dietary fiber NUTRIOSE have exceptional nutritional properties. They are not only positively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but also allow to reduce the caloric content of the product and cause the gradual release of energy.
Palatinoza - functional carbohydrate, has a natural sweet taste, does not cause severe insulin and the glycemic response, provides long-term energy intake in the body and is harmless to teeth.
Fiber citrus is the perfect fiber, improves intestinal peristalsis, promotes a sense of satiety.
Bromelain - vegetable enzyme derived from pineapple, is a powerful catalyst for the processes of protein and fat metabolism, prevents the accumulation of excess adipose tissue, inhibits fatty liver.
Papain - main enzyme of exotic fruit, papaya, has the enzymatic effect on the food eaten, facilitates digestion of proteins in the acidic environment of the stomach.
Silymarin (an extract of thistle) has gepatoprotektivnym, disintoxicational effect, promotes regeneration of liver cells.

Functional food ArtLife passed strict quality control, when they are created using only natural raw materials, not containing genetically modified ingredients, and modern technology.

Be confident in yourself, control your calorie intake, increase physical activity, and then you certainly will achieve positive change in the fight against overweight and functional products and biologically active complexes ArtLife company will be your faithful and reliable allies!

Author: Artlife
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