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MRI of the lumbosacral spine: the Main indications

, 22:23
0 2033

Improvement of medical equipment and the development of new methods of diagnostics of human diseases gives the doctor conducts examination of the patient, the ability to significantly increase diagnostic accuracy and reduce the time.

So, today in diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system is simply impossible to do without the spine – method of study, which is based on the use of magnetic fields to visualize functional and structural changes in the human internal. bodies.

the Use of this method for noninvasive diagnosis does not create a on the human body absolutely no additional beam of radiation, and rarely require medication in order to increase the informative value of the study itself.


This procedure is indicated to identify:

  • spondylolisthesis;
  • gross anatomical congenital defects of the vertebrae taken separately;
  • degenerative disc disease in the lumbar region;
  • benign or malignant tumors that originate from the structural elements of the spine and vertebrae metastases;
  • changes in the blood vessels responsible for blood supply of the spinal cord and its membranes — cavernous, capillary, arteriovenous and venous malformations of the vessels of the spinal cord, epidural space and hemangiomas of the spinal cord;
  • hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs;
  • spinal stenosis + its possible causes;
  • incoming defects of the structure of the spine – the fusion of the last lumbar vertebra with the sacrum or lumbalization of the 1st sacral vertebra;
  • spinal injuries lumbar and the detection of their late and early consequences – instability, dislocation, fractures;
  • metabolic-dystrophic and inflammatory autoimmune processes in the vertebral column-spondylosis, spondylosis, ankylosing spondylitis;
  • inflammation or characteristic changes in the spinal cord + its surrounding membranes.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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