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Visit of European Commission

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Âèçèò ïðåäñòàâèòåëåé Åâðîêîìèññèè

Sept. 22 as part of the project "The internationalization of enterprises through the Chamber of Commerce of Russia" Company ArtLife visited the head of the Department for International Exchange of Technology Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, the auditor, project manager of the European Commission - Mr. Peter Kovar and Director of International Cooperation Department of Commerce and Industrial Chamber of Russia Sergei Vasiliev.

The purpose of the visit was acquaintance with the region, as well as visits to enterprises, to push their products to overseas, including the European markets. The first person of ArtLife Company - President Alexander Avstrievskih and Vice - President Andrew Vekovtsev acquainted visitors with the main activities of the Company, with new innovations, with the prospective directions of  ArtLife company development .


Âèçèò ïðåäñòàâèòåëåé Åâðîêîìèññèè

In recent years the company ArtLife is actively developing new markets, without going into regions of Russia and the CIS countries, and promoting prodkutsiyu in India and the EU. Representatives of the European Commission and the Chamber of Commerce praised the Company's manufacturing capabilities, quality management system in enterprises, the world's standards, a system of quality control. The guests expressed their confidence that thanks to innovative technologies and high level of technical equipment of production Product Lines Company, may rightly be considered competitive in the European market. I looked forward to the refinement ArtLife integration in the EU.

Author: Artlife
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