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Assorted Fruit

, 21:06
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A rainbow of fruit flavors and the power of antioxidants! 

Candy "Assorted fruits" - is a useful new low-calorie dessert from the company ArtLife, which ideally complement the diet of people leading a healthy lifestyle and controlling body weight. Recommended as a supplementary source of iodine and antioxidants.

Why our body needs iodine?
Iodine - a trace element, which belongs to the importance for metabolism. Iodine is part of the thyroid hormones, which play an important role in human life, are involved in ensuring its energy, control the intensity of energy metabolism, actively influence the physical and mental development of human central nervous system.

Antioxidants and "youth factor"
Selenium, vitamin C and vitamin E - are antioxidants, which actively oppose the invisible enemies of our body - free radicals. Antioxidants stimulate the immune system, improve skin elasticity, slow down the aging process.

Selenium plays an important role in many processes of life, increases the activity of the immune system. Important for the organism is interacting with each other selenium and iodine. Selenium is part of the enzyme, which is required for normal education and exchange of iodine thyroid hormones.
Vitamin C helps to increase the strength of blood vessels, providing them with protection from viruses and bacteria. Without vitamin C in the body can not digest iron.
Vitamin E - fat-soluble vitamin, an antioxidant that protects cells from harmful effects of free radicals, regulates the synthesis of hemoglobin - the main transport of oxygen in the body.

Candy "Assorted fruits" does not contain sugar and animal product.

Author: Artlife
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