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Naturasept - for healthy hair

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Shampoo and Balsam- are two new products for hair care line Naturasept company Artlife. They belong to a group of health care resources.

Shampoo and conditioner Naturasept designed for problematic scalp: restore a healthy pH-balance of the skin, prevent the proliferation of fungal flora, impact on the causes of dandruff, relieve irritation and itching, improves blood circulation of scalp. These products are endowed with antifungal and antipruritic actions, as well as antiseptic, soothing and regenerating properties.

Formulations of shampoo and balsam Naturasept developed based antiseptics: tea tree oil, klimbazola.
Included in the tea tree oil is one of the most powerful natural antiseptic, helps to cope with dandruff, it normalizes the activity of sebaceous glands, relieves irritation and itching of the scalp. Active complex klimbazol enhances the action of tea tree oil, does not violate the bacterial flora of the skin. Prevents the spread of the fungus Pityrosporum ovale, which is the main cause of dandruff.

Shampoo Naturasept
Contains a specially selected composition of neutral detergents, which allows you to maintain a good level of acidity of the scalp. Provides a good cleansing, exfoliating and mild degreasing effect for the prophylactic effect against diseases of the scalp. With regular use helps to reduce dandruff and prevent its occurrence. With the included composition of the extract of birch shampoo has anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the roots and restores the structure of thin and weak hair, nourishes the entire length, returning the natural beauty.

Balsam Naturasept
Strengthen and consolidate the action shampoo hair conditioner Naturasept.
Balm normalizes the renewal of epidermal cells, which prevents dandruff. Included in the castor oil and jojoba oil soften the scalp, prevent hair loss, promote deeper penetration of active ingredients.

Balm has a positive effect on the structure of hair, thanks to wheat protein hydrolyzate it restores damaged hair from within, reduces their brittleness, creates a protective layer on their surface. As a result, hair becomes smooth and silky, there is a healthy shine.

Balsam removes static electricity, facilitates combing hair, protects them from damage during blow-dry.
Shampoo + Balsam= Excellent result!

Author: Artlife
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