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A surgical strike on a cold

, 01:03
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In winter, it's time to colds. It was during this period is important as a preventive and active influence on the disease has already begun. Is it possible to reduce the risk of disease and to resist cold, and avoid its consequences?

To this end, the company Artlife developed a new product line of therapeutic and preventive Active - Active Balm. It is an indispensable tool for colds and effective weapon to prevent it.

Active Balm - is symptomatic tool to facilitate the rapid effects of state for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, colds, coughs, colds, flu, as well as headaches and dizziness.

When applied externally has aromatherapeutic, local irritating, distracting, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, warming and soothing effect helps to reduce swelling.

Active Balm has a soft texture, which allows active ingredients to quickly penetrate the skin, thereby providing instant effect of its application.

Active Balm 67% consists of the active ingredients: Essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, fir, lavender, mint, and a CO2 extract of cloves, menthol, turpentine, camphor oil, jojoba oil, vitamin E and beeswax.

When applying balm achieved the effect of cooling and pain relief at the expense of essential oils of eucalyptus, pine and menthol, which deeply penetrate the skin, instantly making it easier to state and removing edema. Followed by warming up, distracting and local irritating effects belonging to the balsam of turpentine and camphor, which further reduces pain and increases blood flow to the site of application. Antiseptic and bactericidal action provides tea tree oil. Included in the balm of CO2-extracts of cloves and essential oils of lavender and peppermint soothe and ease the headache.

Due to such a rich composition of components, Balm Active become a great addition to the traditional treatment of respiratory diseases. Will also help to arrest the inflammatory process at an early stage and as soon as possible to solve health problems.

Comprehensive approach
Active Balm - is an excellent way to improve the efficiency of traditional bioactive complexes used for prophylaxis in the season peak of respiratory infections.

Combining the reception and application of complex Avirol Balm assets, you increase your body's resistance to viral infection.
Joint application Balm Asset complex Rudvitol and broths Cats claw can help to strengthen immunity factors and reduce the duration of infectious disease. Fitontsidnic rich essential oils, balsam Asset is able to create anti-inflammatory and immune defense.

For the prevention of immune system dysfunction, use balm Active and complex Persifen. Them together will create a powerful barrier against pathogens. This will increase the nonspecific resistance of the body that will strengthen the resistance to infections.

The combination of balsam and complex asset Neyrostrong help reduce the headaches and discomfort associated with meteosensitivity.
Active Balm should always be on hand to help your family save a great feeling!

Author: Artlife
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