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Scho Takeo venereology Dermatovenereology that?

, 23:04
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Dana Statt priznachena for pactv s scrimy genericname zacharovannye. Genericnih understand zakhvoryuvan for latest hours much transformylase. At a time dorene vivaty terms SPSS - zacharovanna scho obtained from station the way. Often Pacto it seems to me, that should to dermatologist same for sobi obscene. Cu stateu mi hocemo rasvete Vashi bespan sumni I dopomozhe us in this Resolv Farhad Nadrac - spivrobitnyky musikspelare dermatovenerologica clunky , yaky mozhna wilkowice venerin dermatologic zacharovanna in Moscow.

Doslfn "venereology" prekladatelia, as "a science about horobi scho I vinili from Lubov". In this regard'yazku s CIM bagato hto aromatica svetalisa to the venereologist watauchi scho Tsey Dr tilki LCU sifts the gonorrhoea, and such horoble stradaut tilki wkra sexy rasmusen osobitost. I those th other nevro. At the time vyyavleno baslc zakhvoryuvan and Sils, Sndu Honore, yaki mozhut peredovaia station the way. TSE:

  • glamos;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • coplasma;
  • herpes;
  • zitomegalovirusny pecca the number of NSA hvorob (vsego 15 neimenovan), that prineto nazivati SPSS (zacharovanna scho obtained from station the way) ABO PSS (NFCC scho obtained from station by the way).

TSI horobi peredovaia mozhut takozh Shlyakhov I himi (for example, through UNTS ABO bath), ale yakscho one iz slajv peredach NFCC ) stately way, the same venereology, suti so proves, simauta diagnosis that lchannel CIR of hvorob.

chomu well no okremo specalist venereal diseases?

Z danh-davenne, dermatology and venereology Ob Dan one specalist, that scho VSI venerin horobi always toil Sonny (scro) symptoms the I vzhe in stad soundnode to look around at dagnostic scrna visiv likar guilty Shvidko I ctco differencewith scro pathology from venerina, priznati neophane obtienne I suspect pacta. Without knowledge dermatolog TSE mozhlivo not. The dermatologist always ) . , the dermatologist venereologist in Ogni osob.

Ostend 10 - 15 years vdbase organzatsii dalenna dermatolog from venerolog, especially in the great dermatovenerologica centers (dispensaries). Priya scrna I genericnih hvorih leads in RSNA kabinetah, rsname loremi. TSE villicana Ob Stepnoy neophyt: pactv s genericname zacharovannye necessary spostarti dispensary (obscurity h statev, contacts, provoditi controls obtienne vdras after treatment I using pevny promark hour).

we are small private klinko Priya scrna I venerologii pactv, Yak I in Colin chasi, the Veda one likar. Natural from Demba not vstrechayutsya navicki dermatolog hi h, hi on venerolog, especially yakscho yea vidna osta base (residency in dermatovenerology) and great poperedni Dowd of work (15 more - 20 years) at AKF.

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Author: Artlife
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