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Treatment of thyroid cancer in Israel

, 10:38
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The endocrine system of the body and one of the main elements - thyroid jellyfor - plays a crucial role in the synthesis and regulation of the production of various hormones. Violation of this gland entails a violation of hormone containing iodine, and thus violated iodine balance in the body. One of the most serious diseases of the prostate cancer is considered. Tumors involving breast tissue have different histoogy and are divided into four types (papillary, follicular, medullary, anaplastic). The most favorable for the treatment are the first two types of tumors whose treatment in 90% of cases, brings lasting positive result. The main symptom of violations in this area is swollen lymph nodes, but since in itself it does not mozhet evidence of neoplasms (is also a symptom of many other diseases), for more accurate diagnosis requires a biopsy (Tubbs) and histological study of the biological material.

The greatest success in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer have reached Israeli oncologists, so sickm. In there the clinics (Assuta, Top Ichilov) created exceptionally favorable conditions for quality work of specialists in this field. There are all the newest equipment, laboratories, diagnostic centers, a great experience and the highest level of experts. Moreover, treatment of cancer in Israel and flexibility at different tolerantnostyu clinics in relation to their clients. Here you will be able to pass all the necessary diagnostic procedures, treatment and rehabilitation of the recovery.

Author: Artlife
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