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What is a cataract eye

, 07:50
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The human body - is one of the greatest creations of Mother Nature, the catond, although, to his relatively young evolutionary age, is extremely complicated structure and functioning. Every organ, every system and even each individual cell in the body perform its important and irreplaceable function. Take, for example, the human eye - like pretty little detail on the background of the whole organismBut the vast majority of information about the outside world we get it through sight. It's pretty complicated, technically, a system which, however, is subject to various kinds of serious diseases. Of course, their severity and the frequency depends on the lifestyle and consequently the load on the eyes, which leads people. One of the Naibolee common and serious ophthalmic (a branch of medicine that studies the problems of) disease was, and remains, that is, its opacity. The development of such pathological processes cause visual disturbances (it should be remembered that the eye - it's actually an optical lens on the quality of the faces of which depends on the accuracy and the ability to objectivnoy transmission), which can and does result in its complete loss. In most cases - it is irreversible, is a natural process that develops in the process of aging caused by the denaturation of the protein mass of the eye. In the diagnosis of cataract, the main symptoms is loss of visual acuity, myopia, increased lightochuvstvitelnost. For the treatment of cataract surgical technique used exclusively - replacing the lens on a special lens. In addition to traditional surgery, has recently been increasingly used method fakoemulsatsii followed by implantation of the lens.

What causes cataracts:

  • age (firstinitial opacity in the lens appear after 40-50 years);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • long-term use of drugs;
  • endocrine disorders (metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency, diabetes mellitus);
  • smoking;
  • ray, ultraviolet and microwave radiation;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • increased radiation;
  • various eye diseases;
  • toxic poisoning (dinitrophenol, mothballs, mercury, ergot, thallium);
  • eye injury (contusion injury, mechanical, chemical).
Author: Artlife
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